What would you rather be doing right now??

I'd rather not be at work! We have a snowstorm going on, so I think the drive home will be yucky.
I'd rather not be at work! We have a snowstorm going on, so I think the drive home will be yucky.
Me neither. Just want to sleep. Didnt sleep good last night. Stay safe in the snowstorm.
I would rather be in Hawaii then off to Houston , TX:mrgreen:
I'd rather be under my comforter. With my favorite person. Although I'm still nursing a stupid cold.
I'd rather be under my comforter. With my favorite person. Although I'm still nursing a stupid cold.

I can't wait to see colds vaccine to be invented.

Sorry about your colds and get well soon. I hate to get colds.
I rather be with my Patriots family in Houston. Partying :D
Thank you. My cold is kicking my butt!

I know that feeling, with the colds that makes it harder to breathe and keeping me awake. Been there. Hopefully colds go away soon and you feel better.
I know that feeling, with the colds that makes it harder to breathe and keeping me awake. Been there. Hopefully colds go away soon and you feel better.

I absolutely hate to suffer with colds - can't sleep at all so need a lot of medicine to knock me out.

AC, get well soon and be brave - colds should be over soon and hopefully don't turn into sinusitis.
Building snowmen with kids who never did it before. Yeah, an ambitious project. I figure making snow angels just won't cut it.
If only it would snow.