What would you do if your car broke down?

I'd pull up my jeans to show my hairy legs and have women stopping for me :)
My VW comes with Car Net


Easy life! :cool2:
then I push it home like a real man

Newer vehicles w/CAN (Controller Area Network) system and automatic transmissions, you can not push it. That's finish. Weak or dead battery can lock up the tranny shifter, even good battery, it can be lock up the tranny too, they can lock up everything around in the vehicles. Only fix this disabled vehicle is tow to the shop or dealership if you have a fancy BMW car.
My boyfriend is hearing - so I would just ask a stranger to call him for me.
In Big Island, you can get home or repair shop by hitching. The local people will pick you up because there is few tow companies around this island.
I have AAA emergency road service when I have a break down or needs assistance.
We kept AAA even though we both got new cars last year that fall under the Hyundai/Kia warranties. I'd get someone to call a tow for me and figure out how to get a ride home later.
everybody - doesn't your car insurance offer road assistance service? I don't need to get a AAA because Progressive provides road assistance service.

I have AAA b/c I get discount on my auto insurance , I use to be able to AAA when I was in someone car that broke car but AAA stopped doing that years ago.
Newer vehicles w/CAN (Controller Area Network) system and automatic transmissions, you can not push it. That's finish. Weak or dead battery can lock up the tranny shifter, even good battery, it can be lock up the tranny too, they can lock up everything around in the vehicles. Only fix this disabled vehicle is tow to the shop or dealership if you have a fancy BMW car.

that's why I have manual transmission :cool2:
All the sudden your car won't start and you're parked at shopping center. Its not the battery cause your lights work. You're deaf and you left your cell phone cause you forgot it. How would you get home? Would you hitch hike on highway or walk 5 miles to your house? What would you do?

If you have a smartphone you can use the Sprint IP Relay App to do a relay call

If you have a better memory than the person described in the OP. See where I have added the bold in the quote.

If I had my phone, and in an area with good reception from my carrier, I would use InnoCaption to make the call for help. If not, I like Robin, would go in one of the stores to get help from someone on their staff.
Newer vehicles w/CAN (Controller Area Network) system and automatic transmissions, you can not push it. That's finish. Weak or dead battery can lock up the tranny shifter, even good battery, it can be lock up the tranny too, they can lock up everything around in the vehicles. Only fix this disabled vehicle is tow to the shop or dealership if you have a fancy BMW car.

Automatic transmissions are for idiot driver only like they don't know how to jump start, follow the maintenance, etc. So shop local tech like you are very happy with their money.

Good thing I drive with manual transmission for newer car as 2014.
I would do exactly what I did last Thursday when my truck did nothing at a job site when I turned the key, get out find out what the problem was(bad starter), walk home get my wives car, pull the starter, get a new one, put it in and drive it home. It's always good to know how a car works and what to check when it doesn't, that way you can figure out what is wrong and get it fixed without getting took.
wow... don't hold back your feelings about those who drive automatics....

I drive one because I don't know how, never learned how to drive a manual. I have no idea if I can even do so now. Nobody wants to teach me (or promise for 5 years then never follows up even after asking 246194932 times). I also know of at least one person who DID drive manual but can't any longer due to a severe injury to her right foot/ankle.

:P :P
I would do exactly what I did last Thursday when my truck did nothing at a job site when I turned the key, get out find out what the problem was(bad starter), walk home get my wives car, pull the starter, get a new one, put it in and drive it home. It's always good to know how a car works and what to check when it doesn't, that way you can figure out what is wrong and get it fixed without getting took.

I think you have domestic truck or some older Asian truck. Just guessing