Again? I'm sorry but why are you giving him another chance? He obviously don't love you since this is 2nd time he cheated on you. I'm only saying this is because I'm worried about you and you do not deserve any of this at all and you can do much better than ray.
Relationship should be 2 way, not one way it mean you shouldn't do all the work putting efforts, driving all the way and back, giving him money, etc when he's not doing the same thing back. In my opinion he don't deserve someone like you, you're nice, caring, generally a great stubborn woman that work hard to be successful in life (graduated from hs with diploma, in college) you're great role model for damien. I don't want you to be depressed, stressed out or anything bad happen to you.
You deserve to be happy period
Only yourself can makes yourself happy not someone else. (I'll make exception for damien of course damien makes you happy
