What was the longest you have gone without peeing?

After fainted from dehydration (I didn't even drink the water all day before that) I've learned my lesson and drank as much as I could afterwards! Being dehydrated was weirdest feeling ever I had.
It was scary, wasn't it? I remember most of it, all of sudden I was physically and mentally tired and I couldn't control myself being able to stand still. My body gave up and I hit the on ground. Just like I fell asleep.
Hell yes I fainted in middle of 3rd period during the game while was on court..hell it was fucking embarrassing later
I dont hold pee I knew it was not good because never know anything can be happend to bladder. so I just go bathroom no matter what or anytime.
A day and a half. Yea I dont drink much before. But now I drink alot of water so you get the idea.

What was the longest you have gone without peeing?
nozobo said:

What was the longest you have gone without peeing?

Not more than a couple hours, and when I am sleeping I get up about two or three times during the night to piss. I drink so much liquid so I am always pissing every couple hours, sometimes even more often.