What was the last movie you watched?

I just watched Forgiving Dr. Mengele, a 2006 documentary about a Holocaust surviver, Eva Mozes Kor. It's on Netflix with subtitles. Highly recommended....what a courageous lady with a strong fighting spirit.
I just watched Forgiving Dr. Mengele, a 2006 documentary about a Holocaust surviver, Eva Mozes Kor. It's on Netflix with subtitles. Highly recommended....what a courageous lady with a strong fighting spirit.

I don't think I could never forgive that monster. There was mom and pop grocery store near my house growing up and was there with my dad one day . The owner of the store had his sleeves rolled up and he had some numbers on his arm and I was a little girl and had no idea why he had them.
I found later what the numbers meant , he was a Holocaust survivor. The man committed suicide , he was never able to forget what happen to this family .
I don't think I could never forgive that monster. There was mom and pop grocery store near my house growing up and was there with my dad one day . The owner of the store had his sleeves rolled up and he had some numbers on his arm and I was a little girl and had no idea why he had them.
I found later what the numbers meant , he was a Holocaust survivor. The man committed suicide , he was never able to forget what happen to this family .

Eva Mozes Kor had been explicitly clear that she forgives the Nazis in her name alone. She respects that she can't speak for the dead or anyone else but she feels that by forgiving them, she is forever released as a victim and it brings her peace. She is truly remarkable. I agree that I myself would not be able to forgive that, and few people could....or should.
The last movies that I saw were The Story of Adèle H. and A Chorus Line.
Kung Fu Jungle, it promised to be good in beginning then be become just another scriptless chop chop flick
The Interview

my review? LOLOLOLOLOL
Saturday Night Fever....God was that an awful film; I skimmed through the majority of it. Not sure why it was such a hit but the story was really awful.....
Gone Girl......

only peeve is that i hate the anticlimax at the very end.....
Fury........It was good!! i liken it how they twist WW2 film conventions around, like we normal see Tanks are safe , not so in Fury it showed being in Tanks are Really dangerous, also that American soilders (instead of Nazis) were shown to have some raping behaviours, its like its showing that american solders weren't angels of wars, they were just as much as bastards as any other solders in war, due to prolonged mental breakdown and was strees that unravelled their ugly side.....
The last movie I watched was How to Train Your Dragon 2! I CRIED! So sad! But it was really good!

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