..and no i dont read feminsit literatures, as i probably should, but not enough time for reading about Everything...i need a life too, this is; not just scholarly life...but its fun to 'entertain curious thinking, it keeps me sharp, and keeps me 'thinking'...is all...
Heh, I don't think I have read feminist literature either... *trying to think of one*
Well, now I think I don't really read female authors either... There aren't many out there, I think.
*taking a cigarette break*
Oh yes. Anne Rice and her Vampire Chronicles books. Great stuff. Ursula told me that the author has other anonymous author name... and she writes dirty books under that name. *thinking* That explains the erotic sensuality in the Interview with the Vampire movie...
Others... well, Ann Coulter comes to the mind, lol. Like her book Godless: The Church of Liberalism. As she commented on liberalism, she said 'All pretty girls are right-wingers"... lol. Thinking about it, that's probably true... I tend to notice that democrats are usually ugly hahaha!
Hmm, Laura Ingraham is okay. I've only read one of her early books, but I heard that her latest ones are popular (even on #1 New York Times bestseller list). Can't say much about her really.
*looking through my little library*
Ah yeah, The Book of the Penis by Maggie Paley. There is either alcohol or coffee stain on the paper side of enclosed book. I had this book, another one, and other textbook for Men and Women Psychology class studies. I remember... I wondered whether if the author is obsessed with penis or something like that. Probably why I spilled while I was drinking either one..
Also, The Vagina Monologues one. I think that is the only feminist book I have...
Animals with Translation: Using the Mysteries of Autism to Decode Animal Behavior is pretty good book. I think the author is autistic and she discovered similar environment with animals.
Margaret George books are great, especially if you are historian. So far, I have The Memoirs of Cleopatra (my favorite one, especially the part where Cleopatra had drunken sex with Mark Antony during the final battle siege of Actium by Octavius (Octavian, Caesar Augustus, whatever) before they retreated to Egypt. Henry VIII also very good. Mary Queen of Scotland and the Isles (after Henry VIII... and before Queen Elizabeth). Helen of Troy.
The Poisonwood Bible book is interesting one....
Okay, I better stop lengthening this post. I think the only feminist book I have is The Vagina Monologues, I've only covered the half of library. But you have the idea what tastes I have on female authors. Maybe you should start looking for the authors similar to your tastes?

I know there aren't that many, but just saying hehe.
EDIT: The Psychology of Women and Men, now I remember.