What type of toys that you wouldn't buy....


^Angel^ said:
You guys have good ones!!

For myself,

I wouldn't buy my children any toy guns or any other weapons only watergun is fine....
I can understand your piont of view, but the way i see it It teaches kids how powerful the guns are from toy and to the real ones.Also it helps them to realize a real one or toy one,I have several guns too but they re locked up in a gun safe till my boy is old eneogh then i will teach him how to handle it the proper way,So he wont use them the wrong way like pinting at people, my grandfather tought me alot about guns so therefore iam not a murderer why becuz i dont see them as power to me.Dont you think .Like the old days we used to fist fight and now its guns over power, so sorry being off topic but I think kids needs to know the difference between real ones or not. so when they my mistake nobody lifes is taken . your respond what do you think.
We haven't bought toy guns for the boys yet. They make their own with Legos and TinkerToys.

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