Ellie, When I was thinking about geting ci, first of all i use the pro/con chart to help. Also i was thinking about it for about 6 months, then went in for examination etc.. and have been approved recently last month, so i again ahveto think more and really think about it. Its hard i know, cuz I have to think about my future, about what people will view at me from deaf communitity etc..
When I was growing up, my parent was faced with the same questions and stuff about getting me a ci. but my parent said no and rather wait til i was older and understand about it etc.. But to be honest, i sometime wish my parent did implant me when i was a child, oh well, but i know when i was 12 yr old, i would probably go thru rebellious time with my parent and fight with them about the ci, but that was because i was being brainwashed by the deaf community about how ci was bad for you etc..
So basically, follow your heart, your guts, and think of the pro and cons of the implants and the child's life which lays ahead of him. I would believe that if u implant ur son now, there will be a few years (maybe, maybe it wont happen) of rebellious time about the cochlear implant, but I beleive that your son will outgrow that part and be fine with it..
Good luck, follow yoru heart, your guts, and the pro/cons of getting a ci..