I am so glad I'm not the only short one
I am also 5"1'. I was in Vegas an was attacked from behind. I learned that 100lbs ticked off Rottweiler is one of the best defenses. No need to reach for a weapon, no risk of hitting bystanders, you won't run out of ammo, and it doesn't get caught off guard. After this we worked with a club had her professionally trained and now I have new steps. Step one: release the dog step two: back dog up with weapon. Generally step two isn't needed.
me too I'm only 5"1 in my whole family they call me shrimp
anyway.. if anyone tries to bother me I will keep yelling it will do the best
I was being attacked verbally by a black woman few years ago she is biopoloar she started yelling at me for no reason was gonna attack me but I barked back and she gulped and left lol..
just remember there is crazy people in this world