Wirelessly posted (Blackberry Bold )
My parents lived in a selective reality world were deaf meant "sounds fuzzy" (huh?) So I understand all too well the fight for acceptance, understanding and having to become your own advocate.
From a very early age, when people told me I "couldn't" do x,y or z because I was deaf - I made it a mission to prove them wrong
There is NO reason why a hearing school cannot have remote CART services for you in class ... It's your right and they have to provide it.
If you want to go to a Deaf School, I think you're actually legally old enough to register on your own (since legally at 16 you can drop out of school altogether without parental consent, by that same logic you should be able to attend the school you want especially if they provide services unavailable elsewhere.
There is NO reason you can't graduate High School, attend ANY university or college you want, become ANYTHING you want, get married, have a family etc.
Your parents telling you otherwise is an example of ignorance regarding Deafness, not a statement of fact and the sooner you start advocating for yourself (regardless of your parents) the better.
If you want to attend a school for the deaf, make an appointment to sit in on classes for a day or 3 and see if you like the environment. If you want to attend a hearing school with CART do it!! (remote CART is available anywhere and. Fraction the cost of in-person CART services).
There's a point in our lives when we have to decide for ourselves what we want - it's OUR life, and it's our job to make the things we want happen.
You don't have to be (and shouldn't be) disrespectful, but you should be confident. If you don't already have the support of a Disability Services or services for Deaf & hoh co-ordinater or program look online and find out what's in your area and make an appointment to see them. They will help you advocate for yourself regarding services etc.
Don't allow your parents ignorance to hold you back from your dreams - and dream big!!