I haven't been on the dating scene in a loooooooooooooong time... A friend of mine about a year back convinced me to join POF to give it a try. I will tell you personally I got a bunch of chicks ( and dudes that couldn't read that I was a lesbian ) that wrote me daily, however I wasn't attracted to hardly ANY of them... So, I didn't write back. Simply put, if you're not attracted to someone, you're not going to write to them or continue a conversation. If on my first impression I don't see any sort of attraction, why would I persue? Secondly, I would get BOAT loads of emails that were poorly written at best. sumthin lik dey typ u lik dis n ask how u doin 2day. Sorry, I'm not even entertaining that with a reply. Don't want to go to the effort to write me a well written and legible letter, I'm not going to reply back. Education is very important to me in a partner, and that shows they don't have any. Lastly, they would write 1 word or a few words to start a conversation. Writing me and saying "Hey" or "Hey girl" or "You look cute" isn't a conversation starter. That just tells me you don't have any originality to put any effort into conversing with me. Personally, those were the issues I experienced, and if I as a lesbian encountered them, I'm sure straight chicks encounter them all the time and just eventually delete it or stop checking after a certain point.