What States would you love to live,If you dont like your state?


New Member
Oct 28, 2004
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Well Maryland is my #1 state id move back to. And Southern California is my #2 state ill try for a while.
I hate living in Illinois, and now loving living in Beautiful Colorful Colorado :dance2:
I used to live in Alaska and it was bored, nothing else to do but right now I'm living in Washington State and I like it a lot.
I hate all states in North. But I would LOVE to move to SOUTH where the warm weather is...
I live on a beutiful island in British columbia!!! Its wonderful, I wouldnt trade it for anything...lol... especially a state...
I would like to move to Maine so I can drive to work that is close to. Also the school system where I lives is lousy. So that one of the reason I want to move to Maine.
I almost move to Florida because Florida School for the Deaf offered my wife job but we decided to stay in Washington State. I'm glad we're not living in Florida because of hurrances. Florida is a nice place for vacation but not live there. I have some families live in Florida; Uncle & Aunt and grandparents.
ravensteve1961 said:
CrazyMomma I bet youll love it here.
Key West

I live 45 mins from there. And, yes, I love it down here. I am a Maryland native, and I don't think I'd ever go back.

I absolutely was BORN to live in Florida!!!!
I love my home state, Wyoming, but I have never lived in another state long enough to decide which state I love the best to live in, but I like Colorado, Montana, Oregon, and Washington, because I visited them for a while, and liked the atmosphere there. I have touched many states.
I love living here in Washington state, I don't think I'll go anywhere anytime soon, unless job or someone special in my life, so who knows. I don't hate where I live, :P
I live in South Carolina but I also love Connecticut.
;) I have lived in Rhode Island all my life, and I love it here, but, I wanted to move anywhere else, it would be New Hampshire, as it is so peaceful there.
Anywhere but here! I'm stuck here (all my life) until my son graduates from his deaf high school and then whereever a gov't job transfer offers me to go to :fingersx:
South of Alaska near Canada or Washington State on the country side. For sure I want to live in the countryside with big salmon farm and about 200 acres of lands just for me.
Like to live in.

1.) Washington State (prefer Seattle)
2.) Maine
I love california very much because I born and raise all my life in California that has dry climate and tule fog during winter but no snow at all just up to high mountains that has snow I live my home about 1000 ft sea level above. I don't have to worry about shoving the snow or ice where I live. When I need go town, I just went to next town from my home town between 13 miles down to next town that has real bad fog so you have to be very careful to drive slowly or wait until the fog lift off and then you go there. I live in Springville and run the errands in Porterville that's between 13 miles each way. For summer, it has no humid at all just very low at 20 percent normal and for July and August it was 2 months for over 100 degrees. For the autumn and spring season it was so nice weather.
I really dislike western Tennessee. Very hot, humid, and just plain out dull. I'd love to love in a more mountainous, forrested area. I think I'd love to give Oregon a shot.

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