What sport you think should be banned in U.S?

Living is dangerous.

Joker, do you wear a seat belt when you sit on the toilet?
Living is dangerous.

Joker, do you wear a seat belt when you sit on the toilet?

Don't need one. Do cops watch you shit on toilet and if you're not wearing your seat belt while shitting on the toilet he gives you this.

And thats the thing. The ACLU will never take seat belt laws to the U.S Supreme court on consitution violation. The Right to choose. But oh yeah the ACLU defend women's right when it comes to their right to choose to have an abortion.
Don't need one. ...
I'm surprised--you seem so concerned about danger surrounding every sport, I don't know how you make it thru the day without a lot of safety precautions. :lol:
Well theres blood everywhere in boxing.

Why nobody ban that?

Bulls are there against their own will, if they had it their way the bulls would say " NO thanks" The fighters are fighting on their own free will. It the same with dogs fights , the dogs did not sign up to fight to death , man did. Animals can't speak for their self that is why animal cruelty laws were pass to protects animals from being abused . This law pass before there was one for children.
Reba would like to ban NASCAR and drag racing because I am always watching it.
Reba would like to ban NASCAR and drag racing because I am always watching it.

How can you ignore a wonderful wife of yours!? Just for that I agree with her so you can give her your full attention she very much deserves!
The question was sports. The answer was related to sports.

I think sports have always been a brutal part of every cultures all over the world...rarely do we see ANY sports that is harmless, very few exist ok ...like Bowls or yoga but then you can drop a bowl ball on your toes ouch or stretch and break your tendons in yoga.....

have no answer, except that it seems people are always attracted to some kind of 'controlled danger' and rewards it with big points on its scale of difficulty conjured up in that name of the said sports...

never heard of a ultimate safe sports, swimming you can drown, exhaustion from competition, this goes for Any competition.....oh not to mention it renders many people broke from buying expensive sports gears, and travels to afar for tournaments...
If one doesn't understand the "thrill of the tournament" kind of thing....well, just forget it! :lol:
I think duck bowling should be banned because the ducks are getting slammed with the bowling balls. Animal cruelty at its worst!
The BULLS do not choose the be in bullfights!

yes, and MOST animals-related sports have ALL animals forced into 'sports' for human entertainments against their will....that's including animals breed to assist hunting!...like dogs for duck shooting...those can't help it, even so their loyalty is 'real'..but im not so sure....its more like dogs will do it because they have been trained to think humans are their pack leaders.....nothing more or less....and of course it would be a debatable issue.. i still think im doing my dog a German pointer a favor for not letting her to be my hunting 'slave' she's is my freind not a hunter's tools....that's just my view...
but.... Dale Earnhardt died....

Yeah How many years was it? 15 years since the last NASCAR death. But Fomula 1 happens every 6 months to a year. Cars are like go karts and when an accident happens you're not protected. But NASCAR Cars are big your inside a cage so you have protection if an accident happens you could walk away ok.
I don't see any ducks

Those small, squat pins are about half the size of regular pins and used in duck pin bowling; you get three throws max per frame.

Oh, and the balls are like a wee larger than softballs....
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