This tasteless, callous, idiotic comment--posted on a deaf board no less--really has me upset.
God, you wish you were deaf??????? My last good ear blew out last Tuesday and suddenly I have been thrust into an utterly silent world that I have never known before. I'd give about anything to hear my wife's sweet, soft voice say "I love you", my parrot whistle GaGa's "Born This Way", an annoying train rumble thru town, and a thousand other sounds that I will most likely never hear again. And you flippantly say you wish you were deaf?
Even in jest, this is not funny and I think you owe all the people here who are deaf or hoh an apology for your insensitive rudeness.[/QUOTE]
Stick around for a tad bit longer...
you will see more of this on the forum. we typically run off these kinds of people or they just post 1 post and leave.
I'd like to see that parrot of yours singing lady gagas born this way. It'd be a big hit on youtube. Upload it! ( a gaga fan, sort of ).
as the others have commented I too will chime in. I'm glad to be Deaf when I cannot hear my husbands farts. Smelling them is another matter though...
as for the person saying "I'm sorry " for their comment...
I wouldn't hold my breath on it. You should visit the annoying hearing person stories on the main forum. If you thought this made you angry...

take a small visit there!