What places in the USA and Canada...

Originally posted by kuifje75
I already have been to CN Tower! Here's a picture of me with the tower... I have been to NF as well, like 5 or 6 times! LOL But I have never been to Ottawa. Thanks for the invitation. If you ever come to NJ, let me know and we'll arrange something! :grouphug:

Whoo! :shock: Who's that handsome man?! ;) (Heh, I know it's you, Kuifje75.)
Originally posted by ChelEler
Whoo! :shock: Who's that handsome man?! ;) (Heh, I know it's you, Kuifje75.)

:Oops: Now you're flirting with me, ehhh? :lol: Thanks for the compliment :grouphug:

Now, back to the topic!! :whip:
Sure thing!! Not a problem!! Oh la la.. nice picture of you!! A definite "Wills" lookalike!! :naughty: *whistling and not thinking any thoughts here!!*:laugh2: Yes.. if I'm ever in NJ.. I'd definitely call you up and we must go dancing at the local bars!! You know I've already professed my love for it!! :D
ive been to EVERYWHERE in USA LOL and yes that would include Canada :-D

wanna get back on the road for another USA tour -- Summer 2002 me and Javapride went on the road trip following the "Mother Road" aka Rt 66 -- was LOADS of fun!!!!

im going to be hitting the road this weekend going to St Louis, MO for a cousin's wedding -- going there from DC metro area -- gonna be fun! will be using the Rt 50 corrider returning back here -- am using the interstates GOING to St Louis due to time schedule
Originally posted by Fly Free
ive been to EVERYWHERE in USA LOL and yes that would include Canada :-D

wanna get back on the road for another USA tour -- Summer 2002 me and Javapride went on the road trip following the "Mother Road" aka Rt 66 -- was LOADS of fun!!!!

im going to be hitting the road this weekend going to St Louis, MO for a cousin's wedding -- going there from DC metro area -- gonna be fun! will be using the Rt 50 corrider returning back here -- am using the interstates GOING to St Louis due to time schedule

It is cool.... I used to visit across Canada and Territories since I grew up my life in Canada.

ALso I have visited 28 out of 50 states. It is cool to me but I used to visit in Italy and spent time with my relatives most time in my life where my mother lived there before and moved to Toronto, Obtario through Immigration. I was born in Canada and love it here in Ontario. Ontario is my first hometown.

Originally posted by kuifje75
...do you want to visit?

For me, I would love to visit:

New Orleans, in Louisiana;
San Francisco in California;
Salt Lake City and a few other places in Utah;
Cumbro, Nebraska (my ancestors lived and are buried there);
The Grand Canyon, and Yellowstone National Park;
Seattle, Washington;
Mount Rushmore, The Sitting Bull, The Badlands, South Dakota;
Phoenix, the Taos and a few other places in Arizona;
Santa Fe and a few other places in New Mexico;
Ottawa, Ontario
Gaspé, Québec
New Brunswick, and Newfoundland
Vancouver, B.C.
need to do more research about Canada! :laugh2:

I would love to do a road trip or two one day and see America, take tonz of photos and learn about my own country.

Goose Bay, Labrador (It is located NorthEast part of Quebec and North part of Newfoundland)
I wanna visit:

Mass (Boston, Salem, Cape Cod, Martha Vineyard, Provincetown)
PA (Pittsburgh and Philadelphia)
New York City
CA (San Diego)
Portland, OR
Santa Fe, NM
Texas (Austin, Dallas, Ft. Worth)

Toronto, CA (I went to that tower in 1983...I never forget to order $20 bucks of dinner)
Vancouver, BC
Originally posted by kuifje75
...do you want to visit?

For me, I would love to visit:

New Orleans, in Louisiana;
San Francisco in California;
Salt Lake City and a few other places in Utah;
Cumbro, Nebraska (my ancestors lived and are buried there);
The Grand Canyon, and Yellowstone National Park;
Seattle, Washington;
Mount Rushmore, The Sitting Bull, The Badlands, South Dakota;
Phoenix, the Taos and a few other places in Arizona;
Santa Fe and a few other places in New Mexico;
Ottawa, Ontario
Gaspé, Québec
New Brunswick, and Newfoundland
Vancouver, B.C.
need to do more research about Canada! :laugh2:

I would love to do a road trip or two one day and see America, take tonz of photos and learn about my own country.

San Francisco? I will take you here... I am happy to be your tour guide!! ;)
Originally posted by kuifje75
I already have been to CN Tower! Here's a picture of me with the tower... I have been to NF as well, like 5 or 6 times! LOL But I have never been to Ottawa. Thanks for the invitation. If you ever come to NJ, let me know and we'll arrange something! :grouphug:

Whistles.. You are a good looking man.
Had been all over USA, including Hawaii...

Next is on my list - - Alaska!

New Orelans is only one CITY in this COUNTRY that carries out of its own unique character! Check out their graveyards and voodoo dolls stores and tarot card readers on the street corner that blended with jazz players! It happened to be an interesting city with French influence on buildings! Had been there twice... (sadly last time I was so SICK with flu, so I didn't do much expect for sitting at French donut cafe and watching people as my friends are exploring around as I was too sick to walk! Had to come back later to make up what I had missed!!!)
Originally posted by pimpdaddyposse
Have you met Homer Simpson and his family? :rofl: :lol:

Sadly, in that show, they didn't mention which state where the Springfield is located of their hometown. :P
Re: Re: What places in the USA and Canada...

Originally posted by Aldo
Goose Bay, Labrador (It is located NorthEast part of Quebec and North part of Newfoundland)

GooseBay is part of Labrador not in part of QUebec, Labrador is part of Newfoundland that where i grew up in Labrador
I'd love to visit Souix Falls, South Dakota...Amache, Colorado - both birthtowns of my parents. Mum in S.D. and Dad in a Japanese-American camp in Colorado. (Dad's family were put in the camp during the closing chapter of WW2) when the Americans weren't getting along with the Japanese and so forth. Dad was born in 1943)

There are other places I'd love to visit whilst holidaying and touring USA...

Washington, DC (for a deeper and longer time than before when I was there last)
Cape Cod, MA
Bangor, Maine
Seattle, Washington
Las Vegas, Nevada
Death Valley, California
Austin, Texas
Armadillo, Texas