Hello and Happy Independence Day, smlle. I would like to say to you DeafCaroline, I really enjoy your posts and threads. You are an articulate young woman and I like your personal strength. With that said, Laughing,
I am not a what or a pardon me. I am an excellent lip reader and have the
Galaxy tablet with wonderful speech to text apps (about 12 total) to choose from. I can lay it on the table when out withfriends and simply glance at it to know what they said and answer. I use it for personal situations, or business meetings, wow this thing is amazing! But, when out, say shopping, if I can not read the lips of the person speaking to me I tell them I am deaf and need them to repeat or write what hey had said. Laughing, I am working on Tolerence..but if I get an eye roll, or any respone other then a coperative one, I say, So sorry my disability inconveniences you, and may I see a manager please. Laughing, they usually change the attitude in a hurry or get the manager who I relay what happened and that perhaps their employees could benefit from a workshop on dealing appropriately with the deaf. laughing, I give her my card and tell her I can facilitate the workshop.
Now by this time, I remind her of all the wasted time that has past because her emplyee was simply rude. I have always immediately been immediately
helped by the manager, with apologies. Yes I know it seems like I am going out of my way to get my point made, but I feel it MUST be made whenever I encounter it. Laughing, my friends know better,smile and I leave with my grace and dignity intact.....ahhhh...I love a happy ending..Midnight♥♥