What kind of weird moments do you have?


Wow. I had dream of a death of a family member once. I woke up crying.

I told others that something is not right. They all looked at me like how do I know. I tell them I don't know. I just dreamt it. Sure enough, later on that day I received a phone call. :(

I was a boarding school packing up to go home as I just granduated from high school. Out of the no where I told my roommate my dad was going to dies soon! She that was horrible to say! My dad dies about one month later!
I just knew it and I did not know not he was having trouble with his heart!
An other time I was washing dishes and I said to myself my daughter is going to come home from school and tell me she is going move out of the house and go live with her boyfriend and that I could nothing about as she was almost 18!
My daughter came home from school that day and said just that to me!
Word for word! I told her I knew it already and it blew her away! She never did go with the guy after all ! I am so happy about that as I now I a grandchild I am crazy about!
I knew the college I was going to attend since I was about 13. Just knew somehow. :dunno:
Yeah... there were few times that I had deja vu.... and I would be like wait a min....didn't this just happened before? All I can say... it creeps me out.

Same here, I was like..."What the...?"

Last night, I experienced Deja Vu at the bar because it looked so much like the one I used to go to when I was living in AZ back in the mid 90s. I swore I felt like I was transported back to time and I almost looked for my ex hubby! :eek3: Then I told myself, wait a min...this is MD, not AZ and it is not the 90s anymore. It was such a weird feeling!

Yet, there is no longer the 90's, but boy, that was almost a decade ago, wasn't it? Where did the 2000's go?

There's been way too many times where I've had deja vu. I would know what the person would say because I've heard it before. Several times I say "Haven't we had this conversation before?" and people would just look at me strangely and answer "Uhhh no...."

Maybe The Matrix is real.....

Interesting enough, I was watching the matrix trigolgy on DVD last night :laugh2:
Weird moment I recently had was, I had a dream the last week of July and the only thing I remembered about it was August the 6th. That date stuck in my mind, my friend her had baby August the 6th even though she wasn't due until the end of August. Weird huh.
Interesting here. Mine is a bit of different.

On my first day of job, I was trained from morning to late afternoon and a couple of months I worked & trained. Much later, it was December 2008, I got a new employee that I had to train him/her, somehow, I walked into the dish room. Suddenly, it looked so familiar that look like almost exactly where I worked and trained on the first three months. But, I ignored it. Within some minutes, I motioned almost exactly what I was doing all back time and I thought for moment, "Did someone train myself?" I swore that I felt something hijacked me into back time, and then I saw the new employee. I went like- "No! It's 2008, silly me."

Ha ha.

It was not only my first time. It happened a several times. :)
I have a lot of those deja vu moments and some premonitions too, I had a particularly strong one when I was at boarding school, I knew that my cat had died at home and no-one told me for a week as it was the week of exams and the staff did not want to distract me. I only learned about the cat cos I saw him sitting at the bottom of my bed that night and immediately knew what had happened and felt 'fine' about it. Then I went home on my birthday and still no-one told me till I discovered that the cat bowl and bedding was gone and mum was kinda hoping that I'd not notice it till the next day as it was my birthday that day. Instead I blew my top and left the house for hours and hours - it was the worst birthday I had and still haven't forgotten it. When I returned to school - I made the staff lives hell by being really disruptive (oops) but left school with good qualifcations! in a hindsight I could see why they did what they did but it doesn't justify what they did and I know that I acted wrongly at the time but I was sooo upset and mad at them for not telling me. I was that particularly close to my cat.

Since then I've had a lot of premonitions than de ja vu moments. I said to my dad that he'd better call his mum but couldn't tell what as I kinda knew that his dad has passed away. Dad said 'what was it?' as I had that uneasy edge of voice when I told him which made him ring his mum straight away. Sure enough he came and asked me a lot of questions that I did not have any answer to, just that I knew something's happened. I find that quite freaky.