What kind of weird games you used to play when you were a child?

Wirelessly posted

craigm26 said:
I wanted to hang like a monkey. Inspired when I was 4:

That is such an adorable picture!!!!!! Aawww that makes me want to hug you -hugshugshugs-
I've read the bolded part so many times trying to understand what you meant by that but I have absolutely no idea. Could you please explain? :)

Oh , that! sorry my bad, its meant to be "weird lonely game i used to play by myself since i wasnt allowed in the Deaf unit in the morning due to 'pushing me out to hearing classes' sad but true..."

that is the 'my' meant to be 'me'
sorry i must have typed so fast hit the 'y' instead the 'e' which is really unusual because normally if the wrong key is hit, its usually the key next to the intended letter..

what i was saying in the quote, is that i was forced to wait outside amougst other hearing children they talked, i couldnt make out what they saying so that i was bored and thinking about thunderbird that i saw in the weekend so id 'play' while others might play Star wars, tag, hopscotch, or whatever...
Last time I played a game with the wrong materials was a few months ago. Used a heavy extension as a rope...It went like this: I tripped. Busted my ankle. Laid on the middle of the street whimpering in pain. My friends said I was laying on a dead frog to get me to get up. It didn't work. Couldn't walk properly for the following two months. Lol.

When we were kids we used to play " latita " or " Can ( translated )" It consisted of a large group and we had to be divided in two teams with even players. If there were 8 kids in each group, the numbers would be from 1-8. They were randomly assigned. When the numbers were all assigned we'd set a can ( or plastic bottle ) on the middle. A referee would then yell out a number and the player that had that number from each group had to bolt, be the first to grab the can and run as hell back to your team. If you got tagged by the other player, you lost. It was fun cause at times you'd see the kids circling the can and staring at each other all tensed up looking for a way to grab it and escape the tagging.
he was uh....reliev....gahhh...never mind....


I love monkeys. Remember the Monkey from Futurama?


How do you like them apples now?
I had no brothers or sisters, but 5 cousins who lived with us at times. 4 girls, 1 boy. We all had verrrry Southern accents. Since we lived near the restaraunt where my family worked we often met kids from the far North. (talk about culture clash) They made fun of us most of the time for our dumb hick accents, lack of shoes, raggedy clothing, and the pine tree trunks painted white. Heheheheeeee..... "Hey, yall wanna play whip"?? We showed the kids how to climb pine tree saplings. They are very flexible those young trees. You can climb them to a point, then they bend - a lot. If you hold on, they will whip you around and its fun. Poor "yankee" kids.... hahaha! If you dont know what your are doing, the tree will whip you back and forth, or will bend waaaay down leaving you suspended from an umcomfortable height. The flexibility can even toss you a bit.... (even funnier)

The second game we played with our victims... uh...new friends (yah, new friends!) was to show them how to mud walk. The cousins and I could quickly waddle over a red clay pit without sinking much using a toe in barefoot, flat foot rolling technique. The idea was to make your own mud shoe and move quickly, pigeon toed, and keep your weight even. The victim (uh ... friend) would usually not take off their shoes, would not listen to us (we sounded dumb) about the walking technique, and would be sunk in deep red clay up to the waistbands of their silly now red clay colored bermuda shorts. They were never able to retrieve those shoes... oooh, we were mean little kids. Afterwards, we would go to the creek and wash off the mud and evidence from ourselves and have a great time fishing, gathering dinner things such as berries, cat tail hearts, cress and nuts. Therefore, we had NO IDEA how that yankee kid got over there.....(mamaw did not believe it either.. sigh)
I had no brothers or sisters, but 5 cousins who lived with us at times. 4 girls, 1 boy. We all had verrrry Southern accents. Since we lived near the restaraunt where my family worked we often met kids from the far North. (talk about culture clash) They made fun of us most of the time for our dumb hick accents, lack of shoes, raggedy clothing, and the pine tree trunks painted white. Heheheheeeee..... "Hey, yall wanna play whip"?? We showed the kids how to climb pine tree saplings. They are very flexible those young trees. You can climb them to a point, then they bend - a lot. If you hold on, they will whip you around and its fun. Poor "yankee" kids.... hahaha! If you dont know what your are doing, the tree will whip you back and forth, or will bend waaaay down leaving you suspended from an umcomfortable height. The flexibility can even toss you a bit.... (even funnier)

The second game we played with our victims... uh...new friends (yah, new friends!) was to show them how to mud walk. The cousins and I could quickly waddle over a red clay pit without sinking much using a toe in barefoot, flat foot rolling technique. The idea was to make your own mud shoe and move quickly, pigeon toed, and keep your weight even. The victim (uh ... friend) would usually not take off their shoes, would not listen to us (we sounded dumb) about the walking technique, and would be sunk in deep red clay up to the waistbands of their silly now red clay colored bermuda shorts. They were never able to retrieve those shoes... oooh, we were mean little kids. Afterwards, we would go to the creek and wash off the mud and evidence from ourselves and have a great time fishing, gathering dinner things such as berries, cat tail hearts, cress and nuts. Therefore, we had NO IDEA how that yankee kid got over there.....(mamaw did not believe it either.. sigh)

:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2: LOVED it!!! Sounds very fun. I would totally mess around with the victims as well hehehe