Eh. I already have an offer of somebody who can do a homily speech and another to ordinate us. Both are deaf and friends of ours so it is all good so far! :-D
We don't even have started to imagine what we would like for our wedding. We WON'T elope to Las Vegas. We probably would get married by JOP (due to difficulties of living arragments if I come to NYC with him because of his dorms which are not exactly co-ed) then have a wedding for our family and friends to celebrate.
We just know one thing-- it would be intimate and for our close friends and family alike. We are not enthuastic about having a giant wedding-- we aren't interesting in having the expensive, the fancy wedding.
*Cheap* but with good tastes of being simple and natural. Outdoors for sure.
I am eyeing his mother's backyard. It is full of many flowers and trees (lemon, orange, grapefruit, and they even have grapevines hanging along the fenced wall!) and a gazebo would be established so {bouncing eyebrows}
I doubt I would wear in a white dress. :thumbd: I definitely would wear a pair of sandal or converse.

The family dog could be our ringbearer. :-D I pitched the idea to my love and he loved the idea.
I just want the wedding to be very thoughtful and full of personal touches.
[EDITED: If we decide to invite ANYBODY that know us-- we probably would have 500 folks lining up. The deaf community in San Diego is too big for us to handle... so we are LIMITING to GOOD AND CLOSE friends which probably would cut it down to less 50 possible people. A lot, i know. 500 ppl are actually friends of friends of OUR friends so that is just a horrible chain of friends to invite..... Don't you hate that chain????]