What kind of super-power would you want?

I think that's Wolverines power, and it not only makes him healthy, but practically immortal. Without cell damage, he never ages. :hmm: Nice ability.

Only disadvantage is you can't get drunk. ;)
The power to make hair grow. Meet mean people, give them a Snidely Whiplash mustache. Then everyone can recognize whose mean. Liars could grow tails. Girl breaks your heart or busts your balls- BAM, have a little hair on the chest!

hahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!! :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

Funniest thing I've "heard" all day...ROTFLMAO
They used him to cure a mutant disease that was affecting other mutants. His body created antibodies to fight the disease and they used those antibodies to cure the other mutants affected by the disease. :)

Meanwhile, you don't need to be afraid of dating people who have diease such as AIDS or whatever, he/she will being threat like normal lives. :)
I used to watch Fringe until the script got sloppy. Same thing happened to Heroes. :(

yeah it did...but not always its just gone up and down, not reliable...butgreat acting, they need to bring back more 'monsters of the week' and more tripping LOL
That is true - BUT where's fun if you cannot get drunk? :P
Where's the fun in getting "sharpie'd" all over? Where's the fun in waking up in a puddle of vomit? Where's the fun in waking up in bed next to a scary ugly stranger? ;)
I used to watch Fringe until the script got sloppy. Same thing happened to Heroes. :(

I've only seen a few episodes, but from what I've heard... they kept rotating the characters. If that's done without good reason, then it can ruin a series. :(
Nice marvel quote.
Actually I always root for supervillains than for superheroes. It's too bad superheroes always wins.
Where's the fun in getting "sharpie'd" all over? Where's the fun in waking up in a puddle of vomit? Where's the fun in waking up in bed next to a scary ugly stranger? ;)

Come on, that's the fun part!! lol :)
Where's the fun in getting "sharpie'd" all over? Where's the fun in waking up in a puddle of vomit? Where's the fun in waking up in bed next to a scary ugly stranger? ;)

:giggle:Sometimes the journey is more important than the destination...
I`d want super power from which i can help those persons who unable to walk ,unable to eating food due his circumstances his economic problem and i want to that power in my hand and after getting these super powers i want that i will fly in the sky also.

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