What kind of Education would you choose for your dhh kid?

A LOT depends on where you live. Arizona is NOT a good place to raise
a deaf child.
bbnt, I thought that in states where mainstreaming support services are horrible, the Deaf schools/ specialized schools tend to be better. I know that mainstream special ed services in Vermont are horrible but their Deaf school is really good.
deafdyke said:
bbnt, I thought that in states where mainstreaming support services are horrible, the Deaf schools/ specialized schools tend to be better. I know that mainstream special ed services in Vermont are horrible but their Deaf school is really good.

nothing is good here. AZ is like number 48 out of the 50 states in dollars spent by the State per student
bbnt said:
nothing is good here. AZ is like number 48 out of the 50 states in dollars spent by the State per student

:werd: I have heard about AZ school system alot. It is so bad right now.
Excuse me, I have to say this school system in Nevada is worse than AZ (in my opinion). I have seen them getting certificate of attendance or dropping out of school. Few of them finally get high school diplomas. Not that many students go to colleges or universities to get higher education. FYI.

Funny thing was my parents started to like LV so much as they first visited Las Vegas when I was 17. They waited for me to graduate from HS in Ohio and four years later, they decided to move out of Ohio for good to LV. My parents already knew that Deaf education in LV sucks royally (they heard from other people who have been lived in LV for years).
Reba, actually there are some religous deaf schools. Most of them seem to be affliated with the Catholic church (like St. Rita's) and a couple of them are oral (like St. Joseph's in Missouri and that oral school in Philadelphia) but there is at least one "Christian" deaf school: http://harvestdeaf.org/school.html
I think also the schools down South would probaly have more of a Christian presense then the ones up here.