What kind of dessert are you making for Christmas?

Fruit cake? err :barf:

I'm sorry dear Meg, I can't stand fruit cake...ewwww
TweetyBird said:
me either!!! i hate that!!! yikes! :barf:

HAHA..I was kidding!! Gawd, who can eat these stuff? Heck, I made a ballad about these in Christmas songs thread :)

I was teasing Scuba :)
My father loves to eat fruitcake, as my grandmother used to make it every year for Christmas. My mother used to make it often until few years ago, she stopped.

Two or three years ago, I made a different version of fruitcake and it was pretty good. I think homemade fruitcakes are so much better than store brought fruitcakes.

Incidentially, I do like inviting fruitcakes to my parties... *snickers* Just kidding...