I have Asrock 970 Extreme 4 mobo, 2.8ghz Semptron processor and 2gb ddr 3 ram. I just bought the board from Ebay along with cpu and memory for $74 (snicker

) I got a best deal cuz guy who sold me mobo use it for Bitcoin Mining. That's why mobo have 3 PCIe graphic card slots for Algorithm . He took a really good care of mobo. The Bytecoin biz went down so he sold it cheap.
. Then I planned to upgrade it to AMD Vershia 4ghz 8 core processor and 16gb ddr 3 ram (My mobo allows up to 64gb but It's gonna be very expensive). I have Cool Master Storm Scout case I bought yesterday for $25 and it's in great shape but dusty. I just put together and now it's running. I have to buy new power supply cuz old 600watt PS just failed for some reason and I checked its fuse and it's fine. I may plan get 750w PS.. I still have old GeForce 9400 8x graphic card and runs great.
My son was drooling all over my system. He said it's an competitive Gaming system and wanted it so bad. I told him NO!! It's Mine and I paid for it!!

He think Daddy always get fancy stuff. I told him to buy his own system!!
Why I bought those fancy board, It's not because I want gaming, I wanted fast and powerful system so I don't have to upgrade for long while. Also I plan on running several Virtualbox or VMware same time which demands lot processing power.
I am running Win 7 and it's very zippy on internet. neato!
My ISP is 30mpbs and some reason Mobo did great
Hee Hee