What Job or Career are you in?

Im a foreman in a landscaping business.
RCA since last March, been housewife for many years till my youngest graduated from high school last year. May seek second job prehap night job since rca is only a part time job.
i used to work till i had a work related injury (cts) that force me to stop working. I used to be a dishwasher, prep cook, grill cooker, and head cook in a restaurant for 9 yrs...I also do inventory, order whtever we need for weeks ahead .. do general cleanings and sometimes when it get slow in the kitchen.. I would go out in the bar and help do the drafts :cheers: for my co worker.. i do lipreading with no plms and can undy my co workers.. One of my co worker can sign as she have an aunt who is deaf.. my other co worker is my sister.. of course she know sign language.. lol.. i used to work alone in daytime.. alot of works to do like do the back ups, cut veggies and patty the hamburgers etc.. u can be ur own boss.. and at nighttime.. cant be slow.. u have to HURRY.. walk walk faster.. and dont TRIP! lol.... hehehe.. fun experience! I miss the works.. :dunno: lol..

I did went to NTID but withdrew as i was homesick and plms with stupid measles shots.. they told me that i have to take another shot.. i ALREADY had the shots back in my homestate.. they said have to have proof.. i called my mom and told her to get the record and fax to NTID.. wouldnt u know it.. they LOST the record.. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.. i refused to take shots.. and they sent me home! jeez.. oh well.. i woudlnt mind going back to college.. maybe i will go to LCCC here in Wyoming next year to finish my dream of getting a degree in Desktop publishing or graphic arts.. :)
wow, everyone does such interesting stuff. You guys dont let deafness get in the way of anything. I mean, you gotta have money coming in I guess. And work is fun for the people you meet. But my last few jobs have been really stressful, with people expecting me to answer phones, and talk to customers (in a clothes shop! with loud music playing! arghhh :wtf: :fu2: )

Dreamy Hawaii!!! GOOD LUCK!!!You have done SO WELL!

And Superfroggy:

Superfroggy said:
I'm a claims associate for a big health insurance company-- office job on a team of 5 people. I don't use the phone but E-mail makes my job very easy to do. If my co-workers want to talk to me they know I can read lips pretty well, or they write notes if I miss what they are saying. My boss is really COOL and SOOOOOOOO easy to understand. She's also a super-loud talker... I have the CI and can recognize her voice all the way down the hallway.

I also teach ASL at one of the local Universities. I teach all hearing students, and don't use an interpreter at all for this job. My students are expected to use their EYES to listen to me, and I use my voice when needed to communicate with my students. Otherwise I ask them to sign (if they can remember their vocabulary), fingerspell, or write a note if they need something.


man you are so lucky! what a easy time you seem to have! I am trying to get more confident about my hearing - I have been deaf since i was 11 years old. I'd love to be as confident as you are....I wonder how old you are (dont be offended! I find that the older people get the more comfortable and less anxious they get about situations. Im 25, and feel old, but still worry about stuff)...

Other jobs for me, possibly?? I was thinking maybe being a Naturopath as well...I could lip read my clients, and most naturopaths have areceptionist that answers the phone. YES ! personal assistants are GO! :D :afro:
I work in a medical lab, and do have to interact with many people at my work. However, they all know that they MUST write back and forth with me. It isn't a problem for them. We also use emails. There are three other deaf/HOH workers during the same shift as me at my job, so it is really cool to have someone to communicate in sign language as well.

I also tutor at a local college in their ASL lab program. It's cool because my coworkers are deaf and we can torture the hearing students with our superfast signing.... LOL, just kidding. ;)
yeah and that remind me.. since i stopped working.. i usually volunteer my time at my son's school. Last year it was so fun.. I went on Pumpkin patch trip with the class. I helped out with the thanksgiving foods at school. Christmas dinner and party with the family and class. So many things to do at my son's school. They said not many parents help out with the activities. I asked her why is that? She said too many parents are working. I was like ohh duh me.. I didn't think of that.. She said that TJ is lucky to have me being there and help out with activities. Knowing that I do care about him and the kids. I like to do something and help out.. Nothing wrong with that.. Knowing i did something.. is good for my soul.. :)
Hi stuntchic. I feel myself somewhat like you. I'm also HOH, 25 and sometimes feel old. Also find hard to work and integrate in that hearing world. So i'm an individual and look for stand-alone jobs such as photographer, graphic or web designer, writer, etc. So i studied photography, graphic desing, web design and now i'm into philosophy.

I started to learn the spanish sign language a month ago -as you sure guess, i am from Spain-, and i'm now considering working within or for the deaf community. So that's something that you may think about too. So good luck and keep in touch
Hi, i work as Rehab Support Worker, Support Worker, Key Worker, Commuciate Guide and Extra help interpreter for DeafBlindUk,
I work for the government as a Geographic Information System Analyst... I analyze, create, and update digital layers (like cake layers) of parcels, cities, zoning, earthquake fault lines, road centerlines, etc. They can be put together to create a map. These maps are for the various departments (Economic Development Agency, Transportation, Planning, Survey/Engineering, real estate, insurance, developers, etc.

My favorite communication tool: E-mail and Instant Messenger (only limited within the workplace, cannot use I.M. to communicate with the outside world. So, whenever I want to talk with my wife or friends, I can use Sidekick2 :cool: ). I also have a TDD machine on my desk. Some of my hearing coworkers know sign language... I taught them for years and they are pretty good in signing.

In case if you are wondering what excatly is Geographic Information System (GIS), you can learn more about it by reading more detailed info...


what kind of work

I'm a sensory integration clinician in a private chool, but I don't know how long that will last with my hearing getting worse. Fairymist
I was Data Processor for Police Criminal Unit in London, England for 5 years before married and move to live in Germany in 1985.

I am Public Utility Assistant and work for US Army caserne in Germany.
ScubaladyTx said:
Hey, is that u ? u used be live in Dallas, Tx before right ? ? I must know u ? Jenny ? ?

Im Melissa.. remmy me ? ? :wave:

Yup check in ur PM....
karlmunch said:
Hi stuntchic. I feel myself somewhat like you. I'm also HOH, 25 and sometimes feel old. Also find hard to work and integrate in that hearing world. So i'm an individual and look for stand-alone jobs such as photographer, graphic or web designer, writer, etc. So i studied photography, graphic desing, web design and now i'm into philosophy.

I started to learn the spanish sign language a month ago -as you sure guess, i am from Spain-, and i'm now considering working within or for the deaf community. So that's something that you may think about too. So good luck and keep in touch

ah i know what you mean, I am thinking very carefully about going into web designing within the deaf community, even though I dont class myself as deaf as such. Its very hard for inbetween people like us! I am interested in how it must be for you in Spain. Have you had other jobs in the hearing world which you found hard? I know I have had heaps of hard jobs!
I was working with the fast food after that I left from work because dues of CTS.
madmax64 said:
I work for the government as a Geographic Information System Analyst... I analyze, create, and update digital layers (like cake layers) of parcels, cities, zoning, earthquake fault lines, road centerlines, etc. They can be put together to create a map. These maps are for the various departments (Economic Development Agency, Transportation, Planning, Survey/Engineering, real estate, insurance, developers, etc.

My favorite communication tool: E-mail and Instant Messenger (only limited within the workplace, cannot use I.M. to communicate with the outside world. So, whenever I want to talk with my wife or friends, I can use Sidekick2 :cool: ). I also have a TDD machine on my desk. Some of my hearing coworkers know sign language... I taught them for years and they are pretty good in signing.

In case if you are wondering what excatly is Geographic Information System (GIS), you can learn more about it by reading more detailed info...



Is your government agency the Dept of the Interior?
I am the human resources assistant for the government agency, US Fish and Wildlife Service for 17+ years. I communicate with employees outside my office via CapTel (I can speak well) but my favorite method of communication is E-mail, of course. My co-workers does not know sign language except for the secretary who knows signs very well even tho she refuse to be an SL interpreter in fear of CTS. I mostly read lips in person and sometimes I ask them write down on paper if I didn't catch it after a repeat. I use SL interpreter for all my meetings.
I'm in the telecommunications industry, working for a phone company, making sales and doing marketing.

stuntchic, I've been hearing a lot about ACE in my industry lately -- they're based in Australia. Maybe you can check into the National Relay Service. http://www.aceinfo.net.au/Services/NRS/

madmax64 said:
I work for the government as a Geographic Information System Analyst... I analyze, create, and update digital layers (like cake layers) of parcels, cities, zoning, earthquake fault lines, road centerlines, etc. They can be put together to create a map. These maps are for the various departments (Economic Development Agency, Transportation, Planning, Survey/Engineering, real estate, insurance, developers, etc.

Madmax, I could be wrong, but do you work for the NGA/DOD?
I work in a county crime lab. I am a Forensic Chemist in the Controlled Substance Laboratory. All illegal drugs or narcotics are submitted to our lab and we analyze those drugs/narcotics and find exactly what they are. I also testify in court as Expert Witness. I used to work LabCorp for 6 years in the drug testing laboratory. Got tired of looking at urine samples all day. hahaha.
Staying on-the-job

After becoming totally deaf, I worked full time as a beekeeper. After I "retired" earlier this year, I still work some nights moving bees from place to place for plant pollination, but mostly I now write a novel and use past teaching and writing skills to edit manuscripts for other writers.

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