Stressful. Usually 35-45 minutes if there aren't too many accidents or incidents along the way. It's gotten a little better in one direction since they've opened up a short cut road.
Just coming home from work at the college I've been rear-ended at a red light, had my driver's side window blown out on the interstate, and my Jeep totaled in front of the campus. On my way to and from church, which is basically the same route, I've been hit at an intersection and "nudged" by an impatient driver on an on ramp to the interstate. I've had numerous very close calls where I've had to drive off the road. Coming home from church one time we had to dodge a flying recliner that came off the back of a truck on the interstate.
When I do arrive at the college, unless I have the first class in the early morning, there is no parking. I even have a staff parking decal and sometimes I can't find parking anywhere near the building where I'm working. Even with people parking on the crosswalks, medians, grass, road shoulders, etc., there isn't enough parking (and lots of students take the bus).
If I have to go the downtown campus, it takes over an hour of white-knuckle interstate driving. If there's no parking inside the gated area, we have to park on the downtown street. We've been told by security, never park outside the fence; it's not safe. (Lots of car break ins, plus attacks on students by the residents.) So I make sure I get there plenty early.
Another campus is way out in the country, down a two-lane highway. That's another one-hour drive.
Just about everyone we know has had at least one wreck in this commuting area.
I hate commuting.