Originally posted by CKFARBES
Hey Dude and Dudettes, I have been studied Asian and Asian Indian who are from the Eastern Hemisphere, definitely discovered they HARDLY born white with Blonde and Blue eyes unlike as Western Hemisphere of people easily born white skin, (blonde, brunette, red), blues/hazel eyed as well serveal black skin, blue/hazel eyed, and (Nappy brunette, black, red), some Abino Black had Nappy blonde and blue eyes. i am laughing at you ( Asian folks) when you said "I am white"! you WANNA BE a white and wanted part from Western Hempishere. ( for instance, Japanese are so too white skin, is that right? they never actually get blood of blonde and blue eyes easily.... you want to get white ladies and trying to pump white blood of genetics in veins of your childern after you. but they are still look asiatic babies! GEEEZ, you are still FAILED! did you know that ?? you can't deny this FACTS!