Big HI Lasza,
Sound ur mind is very OLD fashion way!!! u leave women OUT!!!
Too obiviously that u don't seem interested to know about ur mother's nationality, hertiage, health history, and etc. Really sad for you not feel proud of women in ur hertiage. tsk tsk tsk on you!
*My answer is Yes, my mind is always exist on old fashion way. i can't help!
Guess what, more people have their mother's last name than before. Even, more people have adopted last name. Gone to the court for change last name. Who care about keep last name pass thru lineage?
"My answer is, yes you are right that most people don't care about their lineage.. that is BIG SAD! let wait and see the end of come upon all them walk the face of earth which is land of america.
Your said " You can only have one nationally. " Sound very ridicious I am telling ya! Your words sound like u don't allow us to expression which nationality we are from.
*My answer is, you always face this truth those i spoke unto. you will can't denying it with facts.
U know what. I recalled that 2000 Cenus have survey for ask some people about their nationalities and races by SEPERTATED questions. I answered some countries that where my family history from. Betcha, u don't even fill it out at all.
*Lasza, you are right that i actually never fill out at all.. why should i fill it out?? 2000 cenus is stupid. i no need it..
Race is just record for identify propose for school, governement, welfare and somel reasons. Please allow people expression their words about nationality they came from. That's freedom of speech!
*Again, I agree with you about freedom of speech! that what i spoke these things whatever i want to. becasue freedom of speech. :P
By the way, rest of ur words really LAME!!!! Get it?
*I didn't get it!?