What is your middle name?

I have one of the worst middle names ever...

:giggle:that cant be a name
:hmm: i guess its a nick name
:cool2:isnt it?
:hmm:anyway,its cool

Jo is beautiful name with special meaning. its english/scottish for "my girl" I want to name one of my future daughters Jo or middle name
My middle name is Mark but everybody even my parents call me Mark, my brother's middle name is Loren but I feel sorry for him because on his driver's lincense, they mistake Loren for Lauren which is funny
My middle name is Mark but everybody even my parents call me Mark, my brother's middle name is Loren but I feel sorry for him because on his driver's lincense, they mistake Loren for Lauren which is funny

My father's middle name is Norman (After the city, Norman in Oklahoma) because my family used to live in Norman and loved it there

My mother's middle name is Isaac, a boy's name, haha
my middle name is violet..(thats the one i go by) i really dislike my first name :p
Did I just tricked you? It's not even my middle name. :D It's one of the most popular in English names. Something starts with a "T" and ends with a "S."