What is your Favorite Holiday Pies?


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2009
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I love pumpkins pies and sweet potatoes pies! But no one in my family will try a sweet potatoes pie :( Apple pies is yummy too!
Pumpkin! Heavy on the nutmeg, mmmmmm.
Pecan Pie....and I could eat the whole thing with milk or coffee....love Pumpkin and Sweet Potato Pie also....
Apple pie and Pecan pie are my favs. Pumpkin is ok, cherry is a bit too sweet.
Must have pumpkin pie! I think that I'll also make brownies this year.
Oh right. America thanksgiving not same day Canada thanksgiving. Always forget!
Pecan Pie....and I could eat the whole thing with milk or coffee....love Pumpkin and Sweet Potato Pie also....

Hurray ! someone likes sweet potato pies !! I could not get enough of it when
I first tried it. My boyfriend and I would steal this grandma sweet potato pies!!
I like cherry pie, too. Just don't want to have too many desserts. Is there really such a thing? lol