What is your average post per day??

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Now, that I started school don't get online in evening as much. I do peek in at break/lunch time at work and make about 2-3 post a day. I might add replying via AD mobile:P
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5.31 average posts per day.

I used to post a lot around here. However, for the last few months and currently, I've been posting less and less from time to time. It varies from time to time.

There are days I'd post a lot but then again, there are days I make at least 1 or 2 posts.
5 to 10 posts a day unless i don't get here when I find other stuff to keep myself busy but If find myself being bored I wud find myself signing into AD for no reason...
Okay so I was a tad bit bored when I joined in November, I will refer back to this thread in a month or twelve O_O
Feel free to nosy over my profile to know what's my average post per day. :lol:

That seems reasonable considering how much time I spend here.