What is your all time favorite snack?


Cookie & cream pop tart!!!

Girl Scouts Thin Mint!!!

Sour cream and (?) Pringles!!! (Green one)

Ruffles chip with cheese, bacon and onion dip!!!!

Wheat Thin with "string" cheese from can I dunno what its called you push the little nozzle in the can and cheese come out

Turkey pepperoni, any cheese and ritz cracker!!!!
Eh, my favorite usually change every year. Lol

This year it would be...cinnamon (biscuit, twist, roll, whatever.)
Ever try dill pickle dip in maple syrup? YUMMMM!!!! Yes some people do weird...I always eat that in the summer time hahaha...and fresh fruits too.
Ben Dover, I would not eat tuna-flavored yogurt...I hope omegaman meant eating one or the other...not together. eww haha.
Yogurt, watermelon, honey dew, banana, strawberry, and cherries.

Watermelon is my all-time favorite. :)

im really loves fruit lots but i like apples,oranges,grapes and lots of mores makes me lose calories but i cant wait for watermelon this summer
nuts, rasins, m&ms, and some kinds of nuts mixed-up bag. I don't remember what it called that I always eat.
It's simply called a Snack Mix.

Different companies make them a bit differently and gave it their own unique names. The overall name is simply "Snack Mix". Since people snack on pretzels, crackers, M&Ms, nuts, etc... mix those snacks up and you've got a Snack Mix! :thumb:
10 years! That is a shame! Get one this week - life's too short :).
Where? It's something that you can only find at an amusement park or a carnival. :(

I guess I'll wait until I go to Six Flags again in the future. :)
Nah - make it yourself! This recipe is similar to the one my aunt makes for us. Peanut oil is best.

1 1/2 cups flour
2 eggs
1 cup milk
3 tablespoons sugar
1/4 teaspoon mace (optional) (Frankly, I have no idea what that is...)
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon (optional)
1 1/2 teaspoons baking soda
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1 1/4 teaspoons salt

Combine all ingredients. Drop mixture through a large funnel into hot peanut or vegetable oil (365°F-375°F) and fry until golden. Remove to paper towels using a slotted spoon. When cool, place in a clean paper bag and shake with confectioners' sugar. Alternatively, drizzle with syrup or honey just before serving.


Source of recipe: Cooks.com - Recipe - Funnel Cakes

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