What is your AIM/AOL screen name?

Stevey Boy

Active Member
Mar 2, 2003
Reaction score
I would like to know all of yours so I can add it in my buddy list since I am mod. So I would like to contact one of them nanoseconds if something happens, it's better than waiting for one of them to get on alldeaf.com.

If you don't want to reval your screen name, IM me or PM me.

Obviously, my sn is PSXsteve78.
Linuxiztyte is my AIM username. It was suspended earlier today for some odd reason, but now it's not.
Originally posted by Alex
Linuxiztyte is my AIM username. It was suspended earlier today for some odd reason, but now it's not.

lol awww ... hehe - ahhh u know mine ... AIM - Rayden Wins n MK .... and for AOL - ohhhh no no no no !!! i REFUSE to reveal it ..... if u guys want my AOL scn, PM me and i MIGHT tell u
Apparently i dont have an AIM yet but will install it on my new computer hopefully next week! :)
Originally posted by VamPyroX
Forget AIM! Get Trillian Pro! :thumb:

^^ :lol: i never like trillian.... Trillan is all must yahoo, msn, aim = ONLINE. i want only one aim is online..thats all!
Originally posted by LiLyxLui
^^ :lol: i never like trillian.... Trillan is all must yahoo, msn, aim = ONLINE. i want only one aim is online..thats all!

That's actually funny. You don't HAVE to use yahoo, msn, other just to use trillian, you can just use aim only.