What is your AIM/AOL screen name?

Originally posted by compLicaTed
<\=- CompLex Goddess

heh.. i know who are you.. remmy me old sn 'duke zukem' we used be talk in chatroom 'deaf' few years ago..
ooh? i don't remember... lol. my old aol sn was iilostlogicii and then now it's thatcomplicated
Why in the world would I give out my sn here?? :ugh: I know of hackers who would use direct connect to chat with whoever for a good couple of minutes then steal his/her password. So I'll say this :fu: and be happy with my postings here instead of IM me. G'day! :mrgreen:
Originally posted by Katzie
Why in the world would I give out my sn here?? :ugh: I know of hackers who would use direct connect to chat with whoever for a good couple of minutes then steal his/her password. So I'll say this :fu: and be happy with my postings here instead of IM me. G'day! :mrgreen:

hackers who would use direct connect? expain more.. well
direct connect not do not hack your stuff/steal pw..
Explain more?? Like I'm going to explain how *scoffs* What are you nuts?? :eek: Seriously though I do not know how this works. I do not intend to learn how because it's not my style. I just heard about it from other people and I have seen from the other sites of what it can do. I was like :eek2: and it's not even funny! I certainly hope that all of you know what you're doing and who you're dealing with that's all. Why? Because I care!

if u wanna know my aim/aol sn, go to my profile and check, u will see it there or add me if u like me as being as ur daughter!! :roll:
Originally posted by cloud
That's actually funny. You don't HAVE to use yahoo, msn, other just to use trillian, you can just use aim only.

Cloud....oh ok... aiiight, thanks!
Anyways... i can't give it out my sn though...
No pming me, or no email me.. Nothing!!~ i rather no one deaf ppls have mine's though...

....sorry guys/girls :twisted: