What is your A/S/L?

durrr.. i get to be the youngest to post..

human (ofc)/20/female/Minnesota (lived here 80% of my life, the other 20% in colorado :D)
pinkster said:
durrr.. i get to be the youngest to post..

human (ofc)/20/female/Minnesota (lived here 80% of my life, the other 20% in colorado :D)

Undecivie is youngest I believe... hehe shes 16..
Dun Dun Dun
I am the second young'un here! :fruit: Pinkster- You can take the bronze medal... :) Bronze is a pretty color... I dont like silver.. too much bling-bling.

~Multi-talented Muse and Goddess/18/female/Califunny~
umm.. hmm.. i'm tring to think what's my ASL..

*put on brain machine*
Alrighty here it goes.......... 0101110000110100100010011000

24/m/Kandiyohi county, Minnesota, USA