what is true love?

Some people can grasp/recognize better memory
from either descriptive story itself (words) or
from visions (photo memories)...
and/or from verbal communications etc...

Sequoias was able to recognize it from verbal/story itself
more than from photos (No big deal here)
Magatsu said:
Miss*Pinocchio, ok so you allowed the TV to define your life huh? That's your choice.

As for me, I am not going to allow the TV to define my life. There are 1,000,001 things for all of us to do beside watching TV :roll:

Edit: As what Nas said it best: "If a guy who didn't watch TV has a 95% chance to be better boyfriend/husband, hurry up and grab them before the other gals do." --- her exact words to my good friend/classmate.

I don't watch tv on Sunday and Saturday, because there is nothing on tv.
And I only watch 5 hours of Soap Opera in a week. I would try to watch Judge Judy, Court Tv, Oprah, Divorce Court, Dr Phil, and/or whatever
catch my attention. Then I don't watch Monday night and Friday night,
depend on American Idol and Survivor.

BUT anyway, you Mag lives in California... which have too many people there... 30 million people in California, of course that state has a lot of things going on...
And Sequoias live in Seattle Washington, that has many people living there and good fishes to eat and all.
But I am in Mississippi, one of the states that doesn't have that many people, so we have less activities.
So don't be judging me like that. :roll:
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Miss P, you were judging me in one of your previous posts so I gave you the taste of your medicine. If you don't like it then don't do that to me and others.

However.. I am sorry that I had judged you or for my harsh post. I simply made the choice to NOT watch TV. That's all.
Magatsu said:
Edit: Aw man, I er, misunderstood what zesty tried to say in her previous post. Sorry about it, Miss P and zesty.

Does that mean Zesty got a boyfriend? I don't understand?
Magatsu said:
Miss P, you were judging me in one of your previous posts so I gave you the taste of your medicine. If you don't like it then don't do that to me and others.

However.. I am sorry that I had judged you or for my harsh post. I simply made the choice to NOT watch TV. That's all.

I am sorry to, I wonder what I said in the previous posts, can you remind
me? Give me some example, pls?
Miss*Pinocchio said:
Does that mean Zesty got a boyfriend? I don't understand?
That's entirely up to zesty to answer your question, it is not my place to answer :)
Magatsu said:
Edit: As what Nas said it best: "If a guy who didn't watch TV has a 95% chance to be better boyfriend/husband, hurry up and grab them before the other gals do." --- her exact words to my good friend/classmate.

But I don't want anybody right now. So I can watch t.v. :fingersx:
Magatsu said:
That's entirely up to zesty to answer your question, it is not my place to answer :)

Well that isn't important...

and it is off topic anyway. :roll:
i see u talked off topic, who is available, who is laci/scott peterson...
well, what is true love? :popcorn:
best friend, partner, lover u ll recognize true love in years then get married, well, after marriage may be changed in many years :dunno:
Beauty2Girls said:
i see u talked off topic, who is available, who is laci/scott peterson...
well, what is true love? :popcorn:
best friend, partner, lover u ll recognize true love in years then get married, well, after marriage may be changed in many years :dunno:

I was trying to make a point. Sequoias looks so sad and lonely...
Oh poor baby... he needs love. Make me wanna :tears:

That is wrong, that is not true love. Because I don't think anybody but Reba know what is true love. Who else is still marry here????
True Love doesn't fade away.
When I was in Junior High, I saw this cute cute guy named Jay...
and we were in a yellow bus. He was in Elementary.
And I would stare at him, cause he was sooo cute. He would smile
at me. And so after Junior High, I went to High School... and I didn't
see him anymore until he became student at High School with me....

And we just connected like we have known each other for years...
seem like De Ja Vu.... maybe in another life he was my husband or something.

And he took my virgin... WOW!!! :Oops:

He never broke my heart... but when I wanted to go to college, he understood... and I just left and I didn't see him anymore after that.

I wish I could see him again... but I think he is married and had kids already.

But oh well. Maybe one day I will see him again. I missed him. My first love. :cry:
missP, thanks for supporting me, but I already am seeing someone since last year. I haven't seen her in person yet. :) I'm sorry to hear ur story about ur first love. :(
sequoias said:
missP, thanks for supporting me, but I already am seeing someone since last year. I haven't seen her in person yet. :) I'm sorry to hear ur story about ur first love. :(

Are u saying that u have not met her in real person and u have been seeing her through the online?

PurrMeow said:
Are u saying that u have not met her in real person and u have been seeing her through the online?


yes, but we are not in relationship. We are getting to know each other as friends til we go on first date in person, it's the only best way. :)
i know sequoias alittle, give him time as he said he has bad past so, anyway, man has told his wife he love her over over in real life his love has no proven to her at all he doesnt know what true love is, i think mostly doesnt know what love means, just show off he got married and have kids instead, duh. so Sequoias is right take time no rush, once got hurt feeling lost trust another love i have experience in past too
Beauty2Girls said:
i know sequoias alittle, give him time as he said he has bad past so, anyway, man has told his wife he love her over over in real life his love has no proven to her at all he doesnt know what true love is, i think mostly doesnt know what love means, just show off he got married and have kids instead, duh. so Sequoias is right take time no rush, once got hurt feeling lost trust another love i have experience in past too

to correct urself, I never got married and I don't even have a wife. She was my girlfriend back then.
sequoias said:
yes, but we are not in relationship. We are getting to know each other as friends til we go on first date in person, it's the only best way. :)
friend first to know it may become best friend will get more later then relationship, well, everyone is different fast to marry live wonderful in faith others not, take slow got wonderful others not works, they all are different ;)
Ohhh Ahh I see.. Ok I got it now. Sorry I was bit confuse anyway. Hope things work out for u Sequoias.. Same way what my ex hubby did to me for long years. Geez I feel like shoot his azz for what he has done to me. Arggh LOL but hes out of my life but we are remain friendly right after his mother died of overdose... We really dont get very much to communicate. The best way for u to get to know her very well before starting date her. Ok... May the best luck to you whenever you get a chance to meet her in real person. :)

PurrMeow said:
Ohhh Ahh I see.. Ok I got it now. Sorry I was bit confuse anyway. Hope things work out for u Sequoias.. Same way what my ex hubby did to me for long years. Geez I feel like shoot his azz for what he has done to me. Arggh LOL but hes out of my life but we are remain friendly right after his mother died of overdose... We really dont get very much to communicate. The best way for u to get to know her very well before starting date her. Ok... May the best luck to you whenever you get a chance to meet her in real person. :)


interesting story u got there, sorry that it went out of hand. At least u got out of it and move on. :) Thanks, I do hope it will work for me, too. We'll see.
i been wondering what is true love? reading urs opition/thoughts ;)
mine, family in faith devoted one wife only, accept who one is, respect, been there for one afraid of losing one who u want one to be ur side as long as u live