What Is The Worst Soda Of All Time?


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Jun 29, 2007
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What is your worst soda of all time? for me it's PEPSI ONE.
Mountain Dew :barf:

Not sure what else....Francesca (not sure if I spelled it right), don't like it either. YUCK!
Sodas that I don't like before I quit drinking sodas

I had quit drinking soda for health reasons, but the following sodas what I have drank before I quit...

I wouldn't even want to try this by the look at it... I don't like candy flavored sodas as following: http://www.priceco.com/JollyRanchSodas.jpg

I hate grape sodas! They tastes funny!

I hate any fruit flavored sodas except orange and lemon n lime.

I hate flat or warm sodas.

I don't like mountain dew code red! Only flavor I like would be lighting something that has orange flavor and the orginal... not any others.

Umm... I got a lot that I dislike... I normally stick to the orginals brand of pepsi, coco-cola, 7-ups, Dr. Pepper companies... and root beers. I don't really like diet sodas. LOL the list goes on and on.... :)

If I want sodas, I drink organics! no HFCS! (High-fructose corn syrup)
when i was in high school and out high school i got addict dr pepper soda that bad for me! but my doctors wanted me to drink another soda i says ok!
You guys are funny. All sodas suck with a straw.
The worst soda I ever tasted was probably the Pepsi Holiday Spice. It tasted like soaking gingerbread cookies in Pepsi.
Yeah I'd have to say pepsi....beyond me why some folks rave about it.
I was a big coke fan.....pepsi a cola but not even close
pepsi or those cream sodas....blah
Best is Diet Cherry 7-Up
Sierra Mist diet
um it was make long time ago when it came out but cocoa cola did stop make it. i think coke 2 not sure
Root Beer is my worst Soda. Too sweet and just hard to describe! I don't like the taste of it! (yuk) is how I describe it.
Root Beer is my worst Soda. Too sweet and just hard to describe! I don't like the taste of it! (yuk) is how I describe it.

The only root beer that is good is A&W, I tried the others (Mug, Barqs, etc etc and they taste awful and doesn't come close to A&W)
Coke is always my favorite drink but ironically, the Coke Vanilla was far worst I've had.

*chuckles* Oh yeah, I had to think about the 50/50 Coke-Pepsi mix. It tasted so awful that I had to spit it out immediately. :lol:
worse soda would be blue pepsi (gag)

Orange soda is terrible too. I prefer REAL orange juice!
Pepsi Lover said:
What is your worst soda of all time? for me it's PEPSI ONE.

Pepsi is your worse number ONE drink? Which is PEPSI TWO??

Me, I tried COKE ZERO some months ago that a friend sampled for me. My verdict is not to buy it. Waste of money!