"What is The Meaning or Reason Behind Your Alldeaf name"

*~Rayden Wins~* - MK character
MDCodeRedFreak - Mtn Dew Code Red is my absolute fave pop
SnAzZyStyLe2002 - my fashion style and 2002 is the year when I grad from HS

I thought "Benobenang" and "PuyoPiyo" were foreign words. And "DeafSkeptic" was skeptical about everyone. :Oops:

"Kaitin" is my middle name.
I really really liked a title of a book by Issac Asimov called I,Robot. My life has always been chaotic so i combined the two, hence I.Chaos!

I came up with this nick years ago and i still use it, never gets old for me. I think of it as my online identity.
Mine is based on one of my favorite books "Ophelia Speaks". It is a compilation of poems and essays by teenage girls and coming of age in a media driven society. Ophelia is one of my favorite Shakespeare characters. She tried to please everyone around her, but in the end found that she could not do so successfully.
Mine is based on one of my favorite books "Ophelia Speaks". It is a compilation of poems and essays by teenage girls and coming of age in a media driven society. Ophelia is one of my favorite Shakespeare characters. She tried to please everyone around her, but in the end found that she could not do so successfully.


According to your logic, my screen name should be "To Kill A Mockingbird".

i chose this nickname cuz i liked it.

dark is because i have some dark side in my head, angel cuz i love angel, 86 is my birth year and 03 is the year my cat minka was born but unfortunately died 2 yrs later due to disease. I have other nicknames but not for alldeaf. like myloki_8605 is for my cat who was born in 2005 and my birth year, jexalexandra is for short for my name and my middle name. i hate boring nickname i like nickname that means something to me. lol
Van came from my history of family clan. It was known as Van in royal in past. Van G. G is my name So I put it together as VanG
Van came from my history of family clan. It was known as Van in royal in past. Van G. G is my name So I put it together as VanG

Interesting...but I swore I thought I needed glasses when I thought all along it was 'DanG' :lol: (j/k ofc-- ;) )

All others have also interesting ways of coming up with their usernames as well. :thumb:

My Nick name Garnet stands for The name Garnet appears to originate with the Latin granatum malum which means pomegranate. Pomegranate is the name of the bush which produces a red fruit with seeds. Jewelry made with garnet has been found as early as the Bronze Age (3000 BC) in burial sites. It is thought that early communities valued garnet and believed that it offered protections in the afterlife. Deep, dark, rich red to purplish red to orange red (the more valuable Almandines are less orange and brown in color).

As for Tiger, I love tigers my whole life and used to hold a baby cub and I fell in love with it so fast and the history of tigers.

So Mom, I am now a mommy so now you know why I put my nickname all in one. :)
Bear cause I collect Teddy Bears. I have Teddy Bears all over the house, and a very extensive Bear Beanie Baby collection.

Ive always been a Teddy Bear person.

Not to mention according to one of the old DCers the most hugged bear on the net. Hmm wonder who *dubbed* me that name?

Hmmm, your evil step mom isn't so evil now is she Bear?

Kangaroo ;)
My Nick name Garnet stands for The name Garnet appears to originate with the Latin granatum malum which means pomegranate. Pomegranate is the name of the bush which produces a red fruit with seeds. Jewelry made with garnet has been found as early as the Bronze Age (3000 BC) in burial sites. It is thought that early communities valued garnet and believed that it offered protections in the afterlife. Deep, dark, rich red to purplish red to orange red (the more valuable Almandines are less orange and brown in color).

As for Tiger, I love tigers my whole life and used to hold a baby cub and I fell in love with it so fast and the history of tigers.

So Mom, I am now a mommy so now you know why I put my nickname all in one. :)

Gee, and all those years I thought you name yourself after those precious gem stones called garnet.

Kangaroo :Oops:
Where I grew up, Chase is a nickname for Charles, my given name. My grandmother is French, and called me "chasse," a French word for "hunt," because I liked to chase after my dad and uncles whenever they went hunting.
Where I grew up, Chase is a nickname for Charles, my given name. My grandmother is French, and called me "chasse," a French word for "hunt," because I liked to chase after my dad and uncles whenever they went hunting.

Maybe i thought you are related to Chevy Chase the comedy actor of National Lapoon (SP?) :lol: J/k ofc!!!!! :rofl:
I was looking at People's screen names on here , and I am always wondering where they came from.

Mine is pretty easy Phillips that short name of town where I live! :):)

So what does your screen name mean ?? :giggle: :):):)

Yes I have reason under my nickname... under Sxy... all friends said i always act sexy.. they know i did not act on purpose...i did not realize... as for Porkie it was my nickname because i used to be fat.... not now anymore... i weigh 115 lbs now... so Porkie sticks.. what more i collect pigs...
FairMerl - Original my usual name is Merlinfairy but I got tired of it.. So I use Fair cuz I love medievil times way back then.. Plus I love fantasy things like books, fairy, wizard, sorcerer, monster, dragons and all kinds. Merlin the Wizard is my favorite wizard of all times.. So that's where I got my name.. :) Fair Merl
FairMerl - Original my usual name is Merlinfairy but I got tired of it.. So I use Fair cuz I love medievil times way back then.. Plus I love fantasy things like books, fairy, wizard, sorcerer, monster, dragons and all kinds. Merlin the Wizard is my favorite wizard of all times.. So that's where I got my name.. :) Fair Merl

I like "FairMerl" and glad you explain the name. Before I read "FarMer" by mistake! "FairMerl" is very nice (more than "FarMer" :laugh2:)


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