What is Lent?

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Huh? I didn't say that they use different bible. I said both of them use SAME BIBLE.

I want you show me where Catholic and Christianity Bible? It not same KJV!
I want you show me where Catholic and Christianity Bible? It not same KJV!

If that is case, then give examples how both bible are different. You have to remember translation means they only change the words , not the meaning.
If that is case, then give examples how both bible are different. You have to remember translation means they only change the words , not the meaning.

I will show you tonight, I need go do things. Thank you be patient with me.
Catholics used to use only the Douay-Rheims version of the Bible.

This is what a priest at American Catholic says about Bibles:

Choosing and
Using a Bible

What Catholics Should Know

by Ronald D. Witherup

...The Bible was written originally in Hebrew and Greek. Obviously, for most of us to access the Bible we must use translations. The King James Version of the Bible (Authorized Version) is the most common authoritative translation in use by many Protestants. The difficulty is that this 16th-century translation is woefully outdated.

...Many Catholics in earlier decades also relied on an older edition of the Bible, the Douay-Rheims translation, based upon the Latin translation (the Vulgate) that at one time was the only official Catholic edition of the Bible. It, too, is out of date and the names of some of the Old Testament books may be confusing.

If some of you are still relying upon one of these or another older Bible edition, I recommend that you buy a newer edition. ..

... you will likely hear only one translation, the New American Bible, proclaimed during Mass.

Revised Standard Version

(Oxford University Press, 1962)... There is a Catholic edition, from Ignatius Press.

New Revised Standard Version

(Oxford University Press, 1989). This is a wholly redone translation in line with the Revised Standard Version but with sensitivity to inclusive language for human beings. ..there is a Catholic edition.

New American Bible with revised New Testament and Psalms

(Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, 1991). This has become the standard American Catholic edition of the Bible. It is the Bible Catholics hear during Sunday Mass readings, and thus a popular choice among Catholics. It is a revision of the New American Bible (1952-70) done with a sensitivity to accurate yet easily understood language that can be used in public worship. It is also sensitive to gender-inclusive language wherever references to human beings are concerned. The Old Testament section of this Bible underwent recent revision, and one can expect a new edition of the entire translation to be published soon.

New Jerusalem Bible

(Doubleday, 1985). A translation from the new French edition of this famous Bible, La Sainte Bible (1966), the text is the most poetic of the translations we are considering. Its poetic character lends itself to prayer. This Catholic Bible is also justifiably praised for its extensive footnotes, filled with informative background material.

Good News translation

(American Bible Society, 2004). This is a totally new edition of The Good News Bible, published by the American Bible Society. . .There is a Catholic edition. The earlier Contemporary English Version (1991) has a Catholic-edition New Testament....

Ronald D. Witherup is a priest of the Society of St. Sulpice (S.S.). He is formerly Academic Dean and Professor at St. Patrick's Seminary in Menlo Park, California. He is currently provincial of the U.S. Province of Sulpicians in Baltimore, Maryland....
Choosing and Using a Bible: What Catholics Should Know - Catholic Update July©2004
If the Bibles are the same, why do they need "Catholic versions"?
Not necessary. Translation means changing one language to other language BUT retain the meanings.
I said that they can change the meanings. Different translations use different standards for their work. Each word is very important, and the word choice used in a translation can change the meaning of the passage. Just using "a" instead of "the" can make a significant change in meaning. In English, just changing lower case "god" to upper case "God" totally changes the meaning in a sentence.
Catholics used to use only the Douay-Rheims version of the Bible.

This is what a priest at American Catholic says about Bibles:

If the Bibles are the same, why do they need "Catholic versions"?

The biggest reason that I know of is that a "Catholic version" of the Bible contains what some people call the Apocrypha. KJV list:
1 Esdras (Vulgate 3 Esdras)
2 Esdras (Vulgate 4 Esdras)
Rest of Esther (Vulgate Esther 10:4-16:24)
Ecclesiasticus (also known as Sirach)
Baruch and the Epistle of Jeremy (all part of Vulgate Baruch)
Song of the Three Children (Vulgate Daniel 3:24-90)
Story of Susanna (Vulgate Daniel 13)
The Idol Bel and the Dragon (Vulgate Daniel 14)
Prayer of Manasses
1 Maccabees
2 Maccabees


As for different words changing the meanings. I agree. Here's just one example:

Exodus 20:6
New American Standard Bible
but showing lovingkindness to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments.

King James Version
And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.

And shewing mercy unto thousands to them that love me, and keep my commandments.

And the 10 Commandments, while ALMOST exactly the same, are numbered differently by some groups.


Also, for a Modern day comparison: If I say I have School Spirit I am saying I am enthusiastic about my school. If I say I have a School Ghost.... boo. :D
KINGOFNOOBS, I show you here,

Reba, You beat me up and I add more here :angel:

I wanted to show you on this part of information I have found, it really broken my heart when they removed the name of Jesus Christ and His related names from the Douay-Rheims Bible! Take a look below that one of man Gordon Winrod did a research on the Bible. I just wanted to let you all know and be aware with the TRUTH! I have always trusted KJV Bible.

Catholic Challoner - Douay Version,

The audacious determination to dissolve Christ from the Old Testament is plain in the Authorized Version, where names of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, are removed more than 100 times. 21 times the name Christ is deleted, where it appears in the Vulgate and Douay. This is true of the name Jesus, 1 time, in Hab. 3:18 (as also in Jude 5); of The Just One, 25 times; of Saviour, 15 times; of Dominator, 13 times; of The Holy One, 5 times; of The Strong One, 6 times; of The Son of Man, 5 times; of My Deliverer, 2 times; of our Lord, 7 times; of the Lamb; of our Redeemer; of The Meek One; of The Noble One; and of The Orient. Discovery of these deletions are sufficient cause for a reproduction of the Douay-Rheims Bible.
Interesting, Jehovah's Witness who false doctrine here,

"American Standard Version" "Bible Translations Refered to in This Book" as are those American Standard Version (1901); The Bible - An American Translation (1935); The Bible in Living English (1972); The New Testament - A Translation in the Language of the People (1937); The 'Holy Scriptures' (1882); Catholic Challoner - Douay Version (1750); The Emphatic Diaglott (1864); The Kingdom Interlinear Translation of the Greek Scriptures (1969); The Jerusalem Bible (1966); The Holy Scriptures According to the Masoretic Text (1917); King James Version (1611); The Holy Bible (1957); The Christian's Bible (1928); Greek Septuagint Version; A New Translation of the Bible (1934); The New American Bible (1970); The New English Bible (1970); The New Testament in an Improved Version (1808); The Emphasised Bible (1897); Revised Standard Version (1971); The Authentic New Testament (1958); The Simple English Bible - New Testament, American Edition (1981); The Twentieth Century New Testament, Revised Edition (1904); Good News Bible - Today's English Version (1976); The New Testament in Modern Speech (1929); The Holy Bible, Revised Edition (1887); New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures (1984) and The Holy Scriptures - Hebrew & English by The Society for Distributing Hebrew Scriptures and also, New Testament in Hebrew and English that what I real care to my "research" of those scriptures to understand to do the same.

I not understand what wrong JW say about KJV here, It doesn't made sense because they not accepted Jesus Christ the Saviour huh?
JW religion is "Truth the Scriptures"
In fact, the Mormon books, JW books, Catholic books, Muslims book, Buddhist Book and cult books are very blasphemy to GOD! Their books are very filthy and lies, twist.. out of context which they are "another gospel" and on their own way instead of following GOD's word! Sadly, the people swallow the lies from the Catholic, Mormons, Muslims, JW and Buddhist's teaching. Their teachings are thrown into the lake of fire!
I wanted to show you on this part of information I have found, it really broken my heart when they removed the name of Jesus Christ and His related names from the Douay-Rheims Bible! Take a look below that one of man Gordon Winrod did a research on the Bible. I just wanted to let you all know and be aware with the TRUTH! I have always trusted KJV Bible.

Catholic Challoner - Douay Version,

The audacious determination to dissolve Christ from the Old Testament is plain in the Authorized Version, where names of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, are removed more than 100 times. 21 times the name Christ is deleted, where it appears in the Vulgate and Douay. This is true of the name Jesus, 1 time, in Hab. 3:18 (as also in Jude 5); of The Just One, 25 times; of Saviour, 15 times; of Dominator, 13 times; of The Holy One, 5 times; of The Strong One, 6 times; of The Son of Man, 5 times; of My Deliverer, 2 times; of our Lord, 7 times; of the Lamb; of our Redeemer; of The Meek One; of The Noble One; and of The Orient. Discovery of these deletions are sufficient cause for a reproduction of the Douay-Rheims Bible.

Curious, where did you find that? and Did they give a reason for the deletions?

Maybe the translators thought those titles of Jesus were not needed? or maybe the stuff they were working with didn't have the titles? Did they actually delete the titles or replace them with other words like "Messiah" or "Anointed One"?

This really only tells us that the Challoner - Douay Translation was maybe flawed - maybe not flawed as a translation but maybe because the Bible they worked with was flawed?

Plus, Old Testament was written BEFORE Jesus was born. If Jesus (as a Man) did not exist how could the Jewish people write about him? Maybe what the Challoner - Douay Translation did was remove items added in by over zealous scribes (not unknown to happen).
In fact, the Mormon books, JW books, Catholic books, Muslims book, Buddhist Book and cult books are very blasphemy to GOD! Their books are very filthy and lies, twist.. out of context which they are "another gospel" and on their own way instead of following GOD's word! Sadly, the people swallow the lies from the Catholic, Mormons, Muslims, JW and Buddhist's teaching. Their teachings are thrown into the lake of fire!

You would throw the Bible into fire Throwstones? You would behave like a brainwasher to get your personal point to be heard and accepted? If people can't choose, then that is not Faith.

I choose to believe that everyone has the law of God "written on their heart" how they choose to listen to that law is different.

I choose to believe in Jesus Christ, Lord and Saviour. I also choose to have a Catholic belief. Does that make me worthy of hellfire? No, I don't think so. Jesus forgave even those who crucified Him, even when He would have been justified in condemning them.

The only time Jesus got angry about anything was when He went into the temple and saw money changers and people buying and selling things in God's House. (Mathew 21:12-13, Mark 11:15-17, John 2:14-17)
Its when everybody says nasty things about chocolate. Even recently, 'slave made' chocolate been making the CNN news.

In fact, the Mormon books, JW books, Catholic books, Muslims book, Buddhist Book and cult books are very blasphemy to GOD! Their books are very filthy and lies, twist.. out of context which they are "another gospel" and on their own way instead of following GOD's word! Sadly, the people swallow the lies from the Catholic, Mormons, Muslims, JW and Buddhist's teaching. Their teachings are thrown into the lake of fire!

Huh? Do you think religion is absolute? Mormons bible was written after holy bible and you re saying that they are fraud?

LOL, do you realize that christians are gulity of taking verses out of context or blatantly ignored some verses.

I ll give you two examples that christians constantly ignore bible's teaching:

"Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak”-- 1 Corinthians 14:34.

Last time I checked, women in church do talk and some of them are pastors.

"And when you pray, you must not be like the hypocrites; for they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, that they may be seen by men. Truly, I say to you they have received their reward. But when you pray, go into your room (or closet.) and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret, will reward you" Matthew 6:5-6

Also last time I checked, I see pastor praying with people openly in public all the time.

Indeed, Christians are being "selective" :ugh3: :run: :smash:
Huh? Do you think religion is absolute? Mormons bible was written after holy bible and you re saying that they are fraud?

LOL, do you realize that christians are gulity of taking verses out of context or blatantly ignored some verses.

I ll give you two examples that christians constantly ignore bible's teaching:

"Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak”-- 1 Corinthians 14:34.

Last time I checked, women in church do talk and some of them are pastors.

"And when you pray, you must not be like the hypocrites; for they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, that they may be seen by men. Truly, I say to you they have received their reward. But when you pray, go into your room (or closet.) and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret, will reward you" Matthew 6:5-6

Also last time I checked, I see pastor praying with people openly in public all the time.

Indeed, Christians are being "selective" :ugh3: :run: :smash:

haha, well, what Paul pointed out is that in his time, young Timothy had a problem with women in the church, they were bragging about what they wear, gossipping, and many other timidating attitudes and even timidating Timothy. And, as Jesus mentioned about prayer, He wasnt talking about like what we see in church. Now make it clear, He is talking about the attitude of prayers. Yes, some pastors could brag about it, and not all of them, like in church, Jesus has nothing against that, lest if its out of pride and arrogants. Yes, even disappointment to me, when I was at christian concert, there was a guy was a former country singer, somehow, he sang very secular songs about adultery, whiskeys and etc. Many people left and sadly, what i see some christians are doing, they were making group and prayed out loud of judgemental attitude toward that singer. Now, that not what Jesus approve of. That's more like pharisee's way of prayer.
"Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak”-- 1 Corinthians 14:34.

Last time I checked, women in church do talk and some of them are pastors.
I don't know where and when you checked. :dunno:

The women aren't supposed to speak in positions of spiritual authority to their church congregations. Our church doesn't have any women pastors or deacons.

"And when you pray, you must not be like the hypocrites; for they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, that they may be seen by men. Truly, I say to you they have received their reward. But when you pray, go into your room (or closet.) and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret, will reward you" Matthew 6:5-6

Also last time I checked, I see pastor praying with people openly in public all the time.
Again, I don't know when and where was the last time you checked. :dunno:

Anyway, this verse is about the attitude of individual prayer. Individuals shouldn't "show off" when they pray. That doesn't mean public group prayer isn't allowed. Group prayer is usually led by one person, or a few people taking turns, because that is more orderly than everyone praying out loud at the same time. When pastors lead congregations in prayer they aren't doing it to "be seen by men" for "reward." (At least, they should NOT be doing it for that reason.) But even the pastors, when they pray as individuals, pray privately in their offices or rooms at home.

You see, the motivation of the hypocrites is that they "love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, that they may be seen by men." That's the difference.

Indeed, Christians are being "selective" :ugh3: :run: :smash:
That can happen. It's wrong but it can happen. We're not perfect.
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