What is is ICQ Number?


Veteran Traveler
Premium Member
Nov 21, 2013
Reaction score
I was just editing my profile to better fix my signature, and I saw the ICQ Number section, and I've wondered what that is for a while now. Can anyone tell me?
I haven't use ICQ in like 10 years or so. Lately I have not been using any messengers much anymore.
I haven't use ICQ in like 10 years or so. Lately I have not been using any messengers much anymore.

That's okay. I'm sure someday I will be contacted. Just don't know when, though. I have to be patient. I do have other things to do.
Use to have ICQ on my desktop, but never used it much at all. Kept getting perverts trying to contact me, so I uninstalled it.
Use to have ICQ on my desktop, but never used it much at all. Kept getting perverts trying to contact me, so I uninstalled it.

Yeah, well. Outside people cannot see my profile anymore-- I had that blocked. Only ADers and moderators can see it.
Yeah, well. Outside people cannot see my profile anymore-- I had that blocked. Only ADers and moderators can see it.

Only gave my info to a few trusted people and this was before I came to AD or maybe I had it for a short time after I started here. I had privacy settings, but they still got through.
Only gave my info to a few trusted people and this was before I came to AD or maybe I had it for a short time after I started here. I had privacy settings, but they still got through.

If they do get through, they better be prepared to meet the block mode on my phone.
"What is is ICQ Number?"

:hmm: I see you didn't catch your mistake...

I had ICQ over 10 years ago- it was very popular around then but I haven't used it since because it gets spammed so much (plus I've forgotten what my ICQ # is and what email address I used lol). So now I only have AIM, MSN Messenger (older version), and Yahoo IM... oh and Skype...bleech.
"What is is ICQ Number?"

:hmm: I see you didn't catch your mistake...

I had ICQ over 10 years ago- it was very popular around then but I haven't used it since because it gets spammed so much (plus I've forgotten what my ICQ # is and what email address I used lol). So now I only have AIM, MSN Messenger (older version), and Yahoo IM... oh and Skype...bleech.

Which is why not a lot of people are going to be getting that information. Only a select few will. Now, if the spamming part is true, I'll immediately drop it, and change my number. However, my calling number is disabled, anyway, so they're not able to cal me if they wanted to.
It's another one of those instant messaging programs. I used to have it years ago when it was popular. Back then, it was the only IM program that could do live chat (you and the other person see the text as it's being typed).

Other IM programs later implemented this feature.
It's another one of those instant messaging programs. I used to have it years ago when it was popular. Back then, it was the only IM program that could do live chat (you and the other person see the text as it's being typed).

Other IM programs later implemented this feature.

Like Yahoo Messenger and Google Hangouts. I know we have Yahoo Messenger on here, but no Google Hangouts?
ICQ was freaking awesome back in 1996, nobody had ever seen anything like it before. The 'uh oh!' message sound became legendary, as did the way the petals of the flower flashed when it was trying to connect.

MSN stomped it into the ground, unfortunately.

I'm now inspired to try and get my account going again! I had a very early UIN, it was 127xxxx
ICQ was freaking awesome back in 1996, nobody had ever seen anything like it before. The 'uh oh!' message sound became legendary, as did the way the petals of the flower flashed when it was trying to connect.

MSN stomped it into the ground, unfortunately.

I'm now inspired to try and get my account going again! I had a very early UIN, it was 127xxxx

Cool! I never had it then.
I remember I got it because at the time I didn't use IRC, I used Westwood Chat, which was a combined chat client and matchmaking software provided by Westwood Studies for people who played C&C Red Alert, C&C 95 and Monopoly. All the regulars on there started getting ICQ numbers to stay in touch outside of Westwood Chat.
I remember I got it because at the time I didn't use IRC, I used Westwood Chat, which was a combined chat client and matchmaking software provided by Westwood Studies for people who played C&C Red Alert, C&C 95 and Monopoly. All the regulars on there started getting ICQ numbers to stay in touch outside of Westwood Chat.

Those were early 1990's. Some of these I remember from back then. Wow.
Wow, ICQ still exists? I used to have it years ago. When AIM, Yahoo messenger and MSN messenger came in the picture, I stopped using ICQ. Now, I don't use any messengers. Dayum, talk about being noglastic!
Wow, ICQ still exists? I used to have it years ago. When AIM, Yahoo messenger and MSN messenger came in the picture, I stopped using ICQ. Now, I don't use any messengers. Dayum, talk about being noglastic!

Indeed it does.
I emailed my third oldest friend and asked if he knew - he didn't. Then while wondering where else I could check I suddenly had a brainwave, remembered my number and sure enough it worked and let me log in and also associate an email address with it so now it's mine forever!

Then I fired up my universal IM client (Adium) and there was the number anyway!
