what is going on?

I've eaten grapes and I like it.. never had thought it would contain allergic. I can't consume most nuts including PB, it can't stay in stomach very long. Every body is different on how they react to food and things (plants, insects such as bee, wasps) etc.
My hives are chronic (24/7/365), so I have them always. It doesn't matter what I eat (I've had every allergy test). Sometimes they get really bad, sometimes they are bearable. It's an auto-immune condition.

I've had to go to the ER a few times for treatment.
I wish my reactions were just hives. Instead for me my white blood cells (eosinophils) attack my esophagus. I have to go in for surgery every 3-5 months to get the eosinophils removed and my esophagus stretched so I can swallow. That is just one of my reactions.
Nic - thanks for the Epi-pen link! I don't have one but have had many reactions to things , including topical reactions like general nasal response, lip/face swelling and hives - mostly hives, runny nose, that kind of thing. So at some point I may need to investigate them. I had a mild reaction to something during prep for hernia surgery, don't know if it was the drugs, the fact that I hadn't had anything to eat, or the essential-oil infused neck pillow thing they offered to put behind my head <which I liked, and I have used oils at home, but the oils in the neck pillow and the oils I have at home are two different brands>. Or combo.of those factors.

I buy all un-scented soap and detergents and don't use fabric dryer sheets, or wear anything with wool or down. Am also allergic to dairy <not lactose intolerant, though my mom has that; she also had an allergic, anaphylactic reaction to a bee sting once> and have tested as allergicto peanuts. So I avoid ingesting peanuts and peanut oil though I can handle those fine<as in touch, be in the same room with> but so far as eating, I avoid. Once I did accidentally eat half of a small energy bar that I hadn't realized had peanut butter in it... luckily had Benedryl with me as I usually carry some, and immediately took two, and then took another two about two hours later. Nothing acute happened though I don't remember if I had any delayed response.

Echo, seems like you have much more significant reactions- wow! I can see how that would be very hard.

Reba, I know it's an issue for me to have hives come up, so having chronic hives must be challenging. I reading aboujt you having to go to ER:aw:
Nic - thanks for the Epi-pen link! I don't have one but have had many reactions to things , including topical reactions like general nasal response, lip/face swelling and hives - mostly hives, runny nose, that kind of thing. So at some point I may need to investigate them. I had a mild reaction to something during prep for hernia surgery, don't know if it was the drugs, the fact that I hadn't had anything to eat, or the essential-oil infused neck pillow thing they offered to put behind my head <which I liked, and I have used oils at home, but the oils in the neck pillow and the oils I have at home are two different brands>. Or combo.of those factors.

I buy all un-scented soap and detergents and don't use fabric dryer sheets, or wear anything with wool or down. Am also allergic to dairy <not lactose intolerant, though my mom has that; she also had an allergic, anaphylactic reaction to a bee sting once> and have tested as allergicto peanuts. So I avoid ingesting peanuts and peanut oil though I can handle those fine<as in touch, be in the same room with> but so far as eating, I avoid. Once I did accidentally eat half of a small energy bar that I hadn't realized had peanut butter in it... luckily had Benedryl with me as I usually carry some, and immediately took two, and then took another two about two hours later. Nothing acute happened though I don't remember if I had any delayed response.

Echo, seems like you have much more significant reactions- wow! I can see how that would be very hard.

Reba, I know it's an issue for me to have hives come up, so having chronic hives must be challenging. I reading aboujt you having to go to ER:aw:
Epi-pens are prescription only and for emergency treatment of anaphylaxis. The lip swelling symptom is sometimes included in analphylaxis. For me it was some mouth/throat swelling and describing difficulty swallowing that triggered the Doctor to write a prescription. For Hives, it's like 99% coverage if I eat a pine nut. Allergist told me hives aren't a big deal though.

I haven't had to use the Epi-pen yet, just got it a little less than year or so ago now after my last reaction... It doesn't sound fun to use, but it beats having your throat close up! I'm told it's also 100% safe to use, it's just epinephrine which our bodies produce naturally anyway. The whole sticking myself with a needle, even though the injector is far less intimidating than a syringe, it still gives me the heebeegeebees. Really though, I think it's designed pretty well and I'm confident I'll jab it into my leg when needed.

Peanut would be a crummy allergy to have, they're everywhere... I've known a few kids with peanut allergies growing up, it can be pretty severe. I carry Benedryl too, and prior to getting the Epi-pen, that's all I've used during a reaction. I hate Benedryl though, makes me sooo tired.

I have other minor allergies too, overly hyper histamine in general. When I go from cold to warm or vice-verse I'll sometimes get a little hivey, but it doesn't last long. The allergist told me a general over the count anti-histamine can help, and left it at that.
:wave:Nic, yeah I know about the pescription for the Epi-pen. I keep seeing all the same commercial about it.

My husband had a co-worker in one of his first jobs who had a VERY bad issue with peanuts such that he couldn't even be in the same room with peanut butter. I wonder how many Epi-pens he ran through....

Needles don't bother me really and I think I'd go for one over suffocation, yeah...

So many people have that reaction with Benedryl; I have a cousin who actually can't take Benedryl as he gets sick from it. I've never gotten tired from it.

That cold-warm thing you have is new to me, I wonder why that would trigger the histamine?
:wave:Nic, yeah I know about the pescription for the Epi-pen. I keep seeing all the same commercial about it.

My husband had a co-worker in one of his first jobs who had a VERY bad issue with peanuts such that he couldn't even be in the same room with peanut butter. I wonder how many Epi-pens he ran through....

Needles don't bother me really and I think I'd go for one over suffocation, yeah...

So many people have that reaction with Benedryl; I have a cousin who actually can't take Benedryl as he gets sick from it. I've never gotten tired from it.

That cold-warm thing you have is new to me, I wonder why that would trigger the histamine?
The cold warm thing has a name... Do I remember it? no... I sort of just shrugged it off. It doesn't last long for me and it's not terribly annoying or anything. Doctor said it wasn't a big deal. I'm not out in the cold too often either, I've mostly noticed it when hiking on chilly days.

Allergies are a pain, I try to mostly ignore them, but some you just can't. I couldn't imagine living with an allergy so severe you couldn't be in the same room as something like peanut butter, I know it happens though. Peanut is the worst.
well,I'm glad it doesn't affect you much. I try to ignore them sometimes, too as I don't like taking lots of allergy pills. I've heard that acupuncture for allergies can be useful, though i've never tried it.