Nic - thanks for the Epi-pen link! I don't have one but have had many reactions to things , including topical reactions like general nasal response, lip/face swelling and hives - mostly hives, runny nose, that kind of thing. So at some point I may need to investigate them. I had a mild reaction to something during prep for hernia surgery, don't know if it was the drugs, the fact that I hadn't had anything to eat, or the essential-oil infused neck pillow thing they offered to put behind my head <which I liked, and I have used oils at home, but the oils in the neck pillow and the oils I have at home are two different brands>. Or combo.of those factors.
I buy all un-scented soap and detergents and don't use fabric dryer sheets, or wear anything with wool or down. Am also allergic to dairy <not lactose intolerant, though my mom has that; she also had an allergic, anaphylactic reaction to a bee sting once> and have tested as allergicto peanuts. So I avoid ingesting peanuts and peanut oil though I can handle those fine<as in touch, be in the same room with> but so far as eating, I avoid. Once I did accidentally eat half of a small energy bar that I hadn't realized had peanut butter in it... luckily had Benedryl with me as I usually carry some, and immediately took two, and then took another two about two hours later. Nothing acute happened though I don't remember if I had any delayed response.
Echo, seems like you have much more significant reactions- wow! I can see how that would be very hard.
Reba, I know it's an issue for me to have hives come up, so having chronic hives must be challenging. I reading aboujt you having to go to ER