That is pretty low hypertensive.
DOT Trucking for healthy people qualify with 140/90 or lower. Some people suffer white coat or some other problem (I do...) and raise 15% as soon doctor walks in.
I have high blood pressure as part of my current issues which has been so high for so long that its a new normal. Some days it's approaching 200 over 130. That high introduces a range of new problems that require a hospital and medicines to get it calmed down. At some point I can expect a stroke big enough fast enough to be dead instantly. Part of my family past a certain age usually die that way. Key word usually. I can carry close to 300 over 170 but medically that is a genuine no kidding life emergency. I already scare regular nurses who take my BP as it is. I keep telling them leave it alone. Its fine. Been that way for years. And I expect at some point poof dead. Which isnt a bad way to go considering some alternatives.
Part of my medicines that I use against severe arthritis and other issues from trucking involves pain management. With the right medicines at the right levels the blood pressures fall as low to the very nice 110 over 70 which means sleep time for me I run higher than that usually, 150 over 100 after a coffee and a smoke. ESPECIALLY after a good stiff meal, be a thousand miles before I need another. That sort of thing.
Damage from that did show up eventually. One eye fails to drain properly due to too much blood pressure, ergo open angle glucoma. Solution? Drill a hole in the eyeball once a year and compare future annual retina scans to the first one to catch anymore changes. At some point if I am around long enough the heart will pretty much bulk up like hulk on steriods. And eventually quit after its too heavy to pump anything. (Heart Failure) That takes a long time. You could try and fix it with a new heart but with the existing pain levels combined with everything else it does not solve the original problem of pressure which will break the replacement heart soon enough. So there is no point.
Find something you enjoy doing, have at it. You will find that your blood pressure will come down quite a bit. Also drink water. Not too much. You want them kidneys functioning. If they clog up and quit working because your pressure is too high then there you are in the diayisis Office three times a week to flush the poison out of you at 2000 dollars a visit for life.
If you are eating chips or lots of salt and other things that push you over the edge with blood pressure stop it. I have coffee twice daily and thats it. And carefully rationed. I can eat anything I want, however at what price later? That is what I think about because I will be paying for that in a medical way when something goes wrong to where they need medicines to fix it again. Its crazy.
What you don't want is to ignore the pressures. Thats the first step towards future problems involving other serious problems and finally leading to death if untreated. My doctors don't treat specifically for blood pressure but once every 6 years or so I'll take a 1950's era beta blocker against the heart to calm the pressure down if its really bad. The problem with that is enough of it also stops the heart and there isnt anything in this world to get it going again. And thats why doctors do not make a habit of prescribing that for me. Its the same as holding a gun to my head and pulling the trigger. They just cannot take the chance. So it must run it's course. We do what we can.