What is Deaf?

The problem of the word "deaf" which should suggest one doesn't HEAR anything-silence seems clear enough.

However labelling deafness a "culture" using ASL etal does lead to some "strange" positions. Hearing persons who use ASL et al can be classified as "Deaf".

What this means in Sociology- a "binary system"- hearing VS Deaf in which one with say a hearing loss of 15 decibels is Deaf. Accurate? Footnote: 105 decibel loss is Deafness.

The above has around for many years.

The introduction in the recent past of Cochlear Implants has changed this situation. A DEAF person can hear "somewhat" with their Cochlear Implant.-assuming they can benefit from it.

aside: I have mentioned before the experience of Sunnybrook/Toronto. Since 1983 revieweed 3000 person referred to them-2000 were "unsuitable" Out of the balance1,000 --18 didn't benefit from the implant. source: Sunnybrook patients meeting last year.

As one can read here in AllDeaf.com much comment has been generate on the "correct label".

aside: I am bilateral DEAF since December 2006 and doesn't use ASL=to date.
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When I don't have my hearing aid in I'm deaf, can't hear a thing. When I have my aid in, I am hearing impaired I guess.
Comparing "hearing impaired" to "n" word. Really? It's not offensive word, but calling deaf people "dummy", "dummy-mute", "mute", something like that are considered similar with "n" word.

I don't think you can even compare the words dummy or mute to the 'n' word. People will not even spell the 'n' out as is so racist Yet they will come right and say 'dummy or mute .
But to answer the answer the hh to deaf thing.....I think that's still kind of individual. When my loss was severe I didn't consider myself deaf, just hard of hearing or hearing impaired. But I did very very well with my hearing aids.

Now that I'm profound to no response I consider myself deaf without my aid, but with my hearing aid on, I generally just wear one, I consider myself hard of hearing. Yes I'm profoundly deaf and can hear with my hearing aid, I can hear speech, I don't hear everything and have to supplement with speech reading so you have to be in front of me, but yes I can do it.

Now, I think the medical community won't label you "deaf" til you hit the profound range, I could be wrong. But if someone with lesser degree of loss considers themselves deaf? eh, whatever, ain't our business and doesn't matter to anyone but the person. That's just my humble opinion

When people tell me 'I hear good ' I will tell them No, my HA hear good I can't hear if I am not wearing my HA. I went to Mass Rehab and my counselor wanted me to see their DR. When the DR. saw me the first thing he said to me was "You're NOT deaf!" I told the DR. " I never said I was deaf!" My counselor told the DR. I was deaf . My counselor had a lesser degree and thought I was deaf . I agree , I will call myself hearing impaired
it doesn't mean I am speaking for everyone that deaf or hoh. I am only talking about my hearing lost and it's my right to call it whatever I want to.
Someone out there will always get offended by any which way you try and label or call something.There's always going to be "that one" that gets their milk curdled by what you say. Don't go tip toeing around people or your life will be full of nothing but trying to please others... not fun. Not saying to go intentionally peeve people off... just don't worry so much about every little thing. If you want to get involved in the Deaf community, go for it! If not, well that's your option too. ( Though you're kind of getting involved being in this site :P )

P.S. The medical community will typically label you HoH until you are profound in both ears ... Just FYI. :) Of course, each medical professional is different and that's up to them. :D

Also, there is no shame in asking a question you have. :)
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The problem of the word "deaf" which should suggest one doesn't HEAR anything-silence seems clear enough.

However labelling deafness a "culture" using ASL etal does lead to some "strange" positions. Hearing persons who use ASL et al can be classified as "Deaf".
What this means in Sociology- a "binary system"- hearing VS Deaf in which one with say a hearing loss of 15 decibels is Deaf. Accurate? Footnote: 105 decibel loss is Deafness.

The above has around for many years.

The introduction in the recent past of Cochlear Implants has changed this situation. A DEAF person can hear "somewhat" with their Cochlear Implant.-assuming they can benefit from it.

aside: I have mentioned before the experience of Sunnybrook/Toronto. Since 1983 revieweed 3000 person referred to them-2000 were "unsuitable" Out of the balance1,000 --18 didn't benefit from the implant. source: Sunnybrook patients meeting last year.

As one can read here in AllDeaf.com much comment has been generate on the "correct label".

aside: I am bilateral DEAF since December 2006 and doesn't use ASL=to date.

You mean CODA (Child or Children Of Deaf Adult(s). They are the ones who are fluent in ASL and are involved in the Deaf Community. There are some others Like ASL interpreters who are not CODA who want to be involved in the Deaf Community. If they are accepted as long as they are fluent and able to understand what the Deaf Community said.
NO I don't mean "CODA". persons.

There are/were hearing persons here= who use ASL et al and claim to be "cultural Deaf."
As for a local group activities in "Deaf matters"- where hearing persons using ASL et al are considered "full members"- no comment.

Whether the members in reality "participate in such local actvities"=unknown.
What is hearing?
The dictionary says: hear--to perceive sounds with the ear. Thus hearing is the ability to hear.
Oh the walk down memory lane This thread is. As i stated in another thread i very vividly remember as a kid being jumped in the halls of ECD school for the deaf, being the new deaf kid, by the Deaf kids.
"your either deaf or hearing cant be both!!!"--in sign no less. sign i have yet to pick up besides some obscenities which where the only response i could give. i got what they wanted me to get when they grabbed my aids and made sure i know what they meant.
deaf or hearing, cant be e both.
trash the hearing aids or else.
I was outnumbered, so did what any smart kid would do.
i trashed the aids. and they as i said in another thread were right. i made friends, picked up asl, and had the it me of my life
kids can be cruel. It was at a time when the reaction to CI was unable to cope with the future hitting it the face. a future not yet upon us but we saw the tide turning. it was only a matter of time. right when we thought we were safe, ASL being accepted. Deaf culture strong and vibrant. finally gaining the upper hand on an oppressive hearing world or so we thought. Deaf culture can be pretty fascistic in my opinion as can most cultures in a fight for survival against overwhelming odds. odds that arent good. but i understand the response completely. its a response of hallow strength from a position of deep deep weakness. In my opinion the quicker deafies come to grips that fear wont do them any favors in their relation to the hearies the better WE DEAF can get a handle on CI our future and who exactly is dictating to whom, and setting frames for who and for what.
Sorry for hijacking the thread. In the end. Worry less what others think. Don't pigeon hole yourself with cute titles or labels. You are MORE then labels or tags for agendas.
your a person. You have dreams. go chase and catch them. The rest be damned.
Hoichi-the earless
Being hearing can mean alot of different things and yes as it was said before really it is your choice how you identify yourself. For example, if anyone ever called my boyfriend hearing impaired we would both be offended, but some my friends would say that about themselves its just depends.