What is College like?


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May 9, 2008
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What is College like? Interested in your experiences.

I am going college soon. I am interested in your experiences in college.
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It depends on the college you go to and what you do.

I went to RIT. 10% of the student population is deaf. RIT is in Rochester, which also has a huge deaf community.

I got involved with several groups, clubs, organizations, Greek life, and their deaf student government. I was also involved with their student mentoring group and also a resident advisor. All of that gave me great experience.
I am going to Pensacola Junior College and Unvirsity West Florida
Just know that you are going to enjoy what you are doing for yourself ! You will be proud of yourself for taking the step to be in college. Life is a journey and you are taking positive steps for yourself, so try to enjoy it and learn from all your experiences.
Make sure you take a balance of studying and hanging out with friends through college.

Try to enjoy your new experiences in college as it won't be the same as in high school style of teaching and learning and wish you a good luck. :)
I went to community college for the first 2 years after graduation on a fast-pitching softball scholarship. Most of my time was spent on softball and studies.

Quit college after getting my AA degree year cuz I was burnt out from playing 60 plus games a semester and my studies. Worked full time for an insurance company for 4 years before going to Arizona State.

My time at ASU was fun..went to the football games, partied, studied hard and started learning about ASL and the Deaf community. However, my social life stopped cuz I got pregnant. Continued to graduate with my BA degree despite having a baby and all that.

Took a year off..worked as a teacher's aide before going to graduate school at Gallaudet University. Now, that was a big change for me. Moving from AZ to DC when I had never moved out of Phx in my life, Deaf culture shock, and learning so much about Deaf education. Graduated with my master's in 2002, got a job and been working since then.

My college experiences were all different at each college. Just enjoy college as much as you can but also keep in mind, take advantage of the years to learn, learn, and learn. Good luck! :)
Come first focus on good grade.

Just ignore party party party.

Few of my friends were addict to party party party and talk talk talk. Ruin his/her grade and lower GPA. They suspended or forced them leave.
Some of my friend asked me how I have strong gut to ignore. I said, "You know how much cost of college tuition. Complete homework to have plently time before deadline. Most important to focus on good grade."

My son is 4th year student at Rutgers University. He has two different major in Physics and Ecomony plus works with Football team and head coach and threater stage assistant manager. My son is almost straight-A student at Rutgers. I know my son is not party boy. Yes, he has some fun like soccer, basketball, football, and video game.

He got full scholarship plus free rental house at Rutgers.

My son plans to take Master Degree at MIT or Princeton University. Depend come first how much $$ and Scholarship. Probably, Rutgers will offer my son - full scholarship for Master Degree.
All i can say: live is journey where you can discover yourself in college. Keep the balance: school and fun. Dont let yourself drown into Freshmen's 101.

I went to RIT for school, greek life, and many more to live up the experiences until i transferred to San Jose State University. It was all worth it and experiences. I enjoyed all of entired experience of college life.

You will enjoy the college life and you can discover yourself in the college life where you see the peers, balances, and life itself. Once you graduate high school, its over and time for out of the world and free.

Good luck and may the force with you-

Vamp- what frat did you involve? holla back-
I had a good time (overall) in college...it was challenging, especially when I had to learn how to balance two or three jobs with full-time school (and later on I got married and had a baby). Learning about time and money management is very important. While it is good to take classes pertaining to your major...I think it is a good idea to take a class every now and then just for fun...such as French cooking, scuba diving, playing a musical instrument, etc. I took one "fun" class at least once a year - and really enjoyed those classes. My favorite "fun" class was self-defense.
college is a terrible, stressful, frightening experience. every professor wants to give everyone F's, all the students want to rape everybody, and crime in general isn't higher anywhere in the country than on college campuses....


college is cool. but most colleges are rife with rich bitches who are only there because mommy and daddy told them so, and they act accordingly.
A college experience is something that you will probably never forget. It is where you're starting to discover who you really are. There are tons of stuffs to do at a college but be sure to keep yourself at bay. It can be overwhelming but as time goes by, it isn't too bad. You also need to be sure to not to get involved with the wrong crowd.

I went to Gallaudet and that is where I learned a lot of stuffs and not only that, I learned a lot about myself as well. All I can say is - Just make the best of it as much as you can.

Good Luck :)
College, eh. I went to 5 different colleges in the last 6 years... what I can say is that every colleges have their own environment. If you blend in, GREAT! If you don't, suck it up. I wish I had sucked it up and stayed at least couple of colleges instead of transferring all the time. Also one of my biggest regret.. well actually not the biggest, I actually majored in "partying" instead of devoting my time taking advantage of free tutition. I was young and stupid. Again, most memories are cherishable. Yes, I'm people-person. I'm a life of a party, its hard to resist the invites, group gathering and all that. I was involved in SG at RIT for the first couple of years, then I lacked in my studies and left SG and RIT. So, if you're people-person, do not let the peer pressure get to you. Some have strong will to be determined and graduate. Maybe you're one of them! Good luck! :D