What is a negative aspect of Cued Speech ???

shel90- The supposed "negative aspects" that a few people claimed were/are not of the system Cued Speech.

I think the rest of us just got dizzy of going 'round and 'round in circles in any thread with cued speech and fell off the merry go 'round a while ago. :giggle:
shel90 - This type of response clearly displays a lack of desire to examine the the real truth.

Sad really.

Sad that u continue to discredit deaf people's personal experiences with CS here on this thread. Yep, it is very sad.
Sad that u continue to discredit deaf people's personal experiences with CS here on this thread. Yep, it is very sad.

shel90 - I do not discredit their experiences, I simply ask questions seeking details of the said experiences, to analyze and learn from. Specifics which are sorely not forthcoming.

Sad indeed.
shel90 - I do not discredit their experiences, I simply ask questions seeking details of the said experiences, to analyze and learn from. Specifics which are sorely not forthcoming.

Sad indeed.

Oh, but they have been forthcoming. If you were truly interested in analyzing data, you have plenty with which to begin. However, you are interested only in attempting to manipulate the responses to get them to say what you want them to say. That is not analysis.
shel90 - I do not discredit their experiences, I simply ask questions seeking details of the said experiences, to analyze and learn from. Specifics which are sorely not forthcoming.

Sad indeed.


No, what's sad is the constant attempt to continuously label any attempt to discern the specifics of said experiences as "discrediting" those experiences.
shel90 - I do not discredit their experiences, I simply ask questions seeking details of the said experiences, to analyze and learn from. Specifics which are sorely not forthcoming.

Sad indeed.

Yep, and you keep asking again and again till you get an answer that you find acceptable.

No, what's sad is the constant attempt to continuously label any attempt to discern the specifics of said experiences as "discrediting" those experiences.

rick48 - Indeed! TQVM! :)
Yep, and you keep asking again and again till you get an answer that you find acceptable.

Exactly. I suppose that, loml being hearing, she assumes that she can play these language games with these poor language deficient deaf people.
WOW talk about a thread going around and round . lol I have been busy these past few weeks . So pardon my slow response.

I used to talk with the lady in Wash DC that was in the original batch of promoting Cued Speech. And she said it was only created to help students in classrooms to see the breakdown of a word etc. And I have seen many attempts in trying to use CS as a language and it don't work. Not many people know it , it does not show the emotional aspect of a word such as when spoken or signed with emphasis ( ASL ) . And most people that attempt to use it , only do so because they dont know any sign language. I taught my kids sign language and they could hear enough to " hear " the emphasis of words. I am sure if I had a " deaf as a post" child, I would probably throw in CS in learning words and sentence structure.

LOML yep Dr Merrill mentioned that way back in the 80s and it still is somewhat true today. Dr Merrill was a remarkable man to discuss things with . We even thought CS would work well at Gallaudet in the classrooms . Many Gally professors didnt know (ASL) very well and CS could had been a fall back for the classroom. As I have always said, " Language is the key to the door of learning... "

So Cloggy Woggy, learn and think and keep an open perspective...

Spouting off don't really accomplish anything. Just show how stoopid a person really is at times...
WOW talk about a thread going around and round . lol I have been busy these past few weeks . So pardon my slow response.

I used to talk with the lady in Wash DC that was in the original batch of promoting Cued Speech. And she said it was only created to help students in classrooms to see the breakdown of a word etc. And I have seen many attempts in trying to use CS as a language and it don't work. Not many people know it , it does not show the emotional aspect of a word such as when spoken or signed with emphasis ( ASL ) . And most people that attempt to use it , only do so because they dont know any sign language. I taught my kids sign language and they could hear enough to " hear " the emphasis of words. I am sure if I had a " deaf as a post" child, I would probably throw in CS in learning words and sentence structure.

LOML yep Dr Merrill mentioned that way back in the 80s and it still is somewhat true today. Dr Merrill was a remarkable man to discuss things with . We even thought CS would work well at Gallaudet in the classrooms . Many Gally professors didnt know (ASL) very well and CS could had been a fall back for the classroom. As I have always said, " Language is the key to the door of learning... "

So Cloggy Woggy, learn and think and keep an open perspective...

Spouting off don't really accomplish anything. Just show how stoopid a person really is at times...

Exactly. I suppose that, loml being hearing, she assumes that she can play these language games with these poor language deficient deaf people.

Actually Jillio that might work a little with me. What is the meaning of TQVM?
Actually Jillio that might work a little with me. What is the meaning of TQVM?

LOL! I have no idea, but assume it is something similar to QFT, which is "quote for truth." But since there has been no truth in the statements made proposing CS as a cure all for literacy problems, it couldn't possibly be that.:giggle:
I used to talk with the lady in Wash DC that was in the original batch of promoting Cued Speech. And she said it was only created to help students in classrooms to see the breakdown of a word etc.

SF - Cued Speech was created as a tool to help deaf children learn how to read English. Not sure if that is what the "lady in Wash DC" meant by your paraphrasing or not.

And I have seen many attempts in trying to use CS as a language and it don't work.

SF - Cued Speech never has claimed to be a language.

Not many people know it , it does not show the emotional aspect of a word such as when spoken or signed with emphasis ( ASL ).

SF - Cueing is visula sound, and it does/can convey whatever emotion a cuers chooses to use with it. It is not ASL, cueing is about literacy in English.

And most people that attempt to use it , only do so because they dont know any sign language.

SF- The families and individuals who use CS are the familes and indviduals who are choosing to be literate through this tool in English. Using CS does NOT mean one does not use ASL. SF, you need to catch up to 2008. :)

I taught my kids sign language and they could hear enough to " hear " the emphasis of words. I am sure if I had a " deaf as a post" child, I would probably throw in CS in learning words and sentence structure.

SF - Your children were fortunate to have a deaf/hoh parent who could provide to the a fluent language model of ASL. This is not the case for most deaf children of hearing parents. This is not ASL vs CS: these, imo, are two very seperate topics.

LOML yep Dr Merrill mentioned that way back in the 80s and it still is somewhat true today. Dr Merrill was a remarkable man to discuss things with . We even thought CS would work well at Gallaudet in the classrooms . Many Gally professors didnt know (ASL) very well and CS could had been a fall back for the classroom. As I have always said, " Language is the key to the door of learning... "

SF - Language is the key to the door of learning. Not all children a blessed to have an accuarate, fluent model for language aquisition. Cueing provides hearing parents a system that delivers their family language to them with the phonemes of spoken language, visually. A deaf/hoh child should/could experience inclusion and cohesiveness within their own family unit. Deaf individuals, with accurate and fluent ASL should be the provider of ASL, imo, for the child and the family.
SF - Cued Speech was created as a tool to help deaf children learn how to read English. Not sure if that is what the "lady in Wash DC" meant by your paraphrasing or not.

SF - Cued Speech never has claimed to be a language.

SF - Cueing is visula sound, and it does/can convey whatever emotion a cuers chooses to use with it. It is not ASL, cueing is about literacy in English.

SF- The families and individuals who use CS are the familes and indviduals who are choosing to be literate through this tool in English. Using CS does NOT mean one does not use ASL. SF, you need to catch up to 2008. :)

SF - Your children were fortunate to have a deaf/hoh parent who could provide to the a fluent language model of ASL. This is not the case for most deaf children of hearing parents. This is not ASL vs CS: these, imo, are two very seperate topics.

SF - Language is the key to the door of learning. Not all children a blessed to have an accuarate, fluent model for language aquisition. Cueing provides hearing parents a system that delivers their family language to them with the phonemes of spoken language, visually. A deaf/hoh child should/could experience inclusion and cohesiveness within their own family unit. Deaf individuals, with accurate and fluent ASL should be the provider of ASL, imo, for the child and the family.

Again, a deaf individual relates their experience, and does so very eloquently and accurately, and it is discounted. If CS is supposed to benefit the deaf individual, then the deaf individual's input is the most important variable. It is truly a shame that you never bother to consider it. Perhaps if you spent as much time actually paying attention to what the deaf tell you, instead of the propoganda spoon fed to you by the hearing people at the NCSA, you could actually come up with something that would be helpful for literacy issues.
Cued Speech is only good in classrooms and was invented to only be used in classrooms.

Cued Speech is not a language and doesn't follow any rules of language. The same idea of using cue cards to catch bit's and pieces' of a sentence/conversation. The few people I know who use cued speech as a daily communication tool , have limited skills in the english language, similar to the cultural deaf people from residential deaf schools.

Hope that helps ya Cloggy Woggy..
Hearing families with deaf children also use cued speech. Since it’s much easier to learn than sign language, there is a greater chance that parents and all siblings in the family, possibly even other relatives or close hearing friends, and longtime boyfriends/girlfriends would be willing to learn it. The quality of speech may be the same, but testing and studies show that literacy rates and English fluency are higher for cued speech users. That is reasonable, since they have far more experience with English.