What if......

gender is social norms, sex is biological reproduction polarity types but there are variations in between, though not common, probably more common in plants or some fish or whatever , im not a marine biologist or botanist or such...
What if Ducky was a real duck that learned how to use the internet hmmmmm :hmm:

I use my beak to type ;) :naughty:

Interesting concept Grummer.. On a smaller scale that already does happen with trans* folks though there they are changing from the wrong body to the correct one not the opposite like you describe. In fact with your scenario that would be a welcome event for trans* people!

What if money was eradicated- would the world be a better place without having to be slave to money so much?
what if, every single humans on Earth, in a flash, suddenly, in an instant, swapped genders, I mean sexual organs, so every male became female, and vice-versa, and this is irreversible, what would this impact on society? cultures, politics and everything?? even "GENDER" as social norm have increasingly at exponential rate, challenge us all??
WHAT if like in the midst of Baseball game, all men suddenly felt weird in the clothes , with bouncy chests, pants too tight around hips...and all women felt all bras flopping up and down, being annoying..boys suddenly next to dad cooking at home in the kitchen then Dad forgot how to cook....
that's just the beginning....

I think it could change things in a l lot away. Men would be making less money being women and women would made more being men . Would this "swapped genders" also mean men would think like a woman and vice-versa, or just have swapped genders?
I think it could change things in a l lot away. Men would be making less money being women and women would made more being men . Would this "swapped genders" also mean men would think like a woman and vice-versa, or just have swapped genders?

hmmm, think like women? no, more like suddenly the body FEELS and reacts like its actually a female body, brain is hooked to the body as actual female, with hightened sense of vision (females do see better peripherally) more skins problems, feeling sensitive around nipples, feeling bloated in periods or newly pregnant, sexual arousing zones have changed but mentally they have still the names, identity, know-how, memories, dreams, aspirations, hopes, fears, knowledge of work, the who's and wheres ..
just say a family of 5 , a mum, dad, 2 boys 1 girl becomes a dad, mum, 2 girls and 1 boy....

nothing else changed, clothes they have in the household, toys, car, posters on walls, plants, hobby rooms, all remained exactly the same...even jobs.... so if a man is ginger haired, he's going to be a redhead....if a woman is a japanese , she will be a japanese men of similar stature, size , height and weight...

just a sexual organ, and body gender has been swapped NOTHING ELSE
that's a what if

so a guy name Ross will have to be rename later say 6 month after scientists have announced on national, international news, that they can't reverse the freak occurance, everyone's is stuck and they may be a big political issue at the time, to swap 'gendered names' from say, Ross to Rosana.....Jim to Jill...Mark to Marg, Bill to Bella, Mew to Mort LOL!
What if the world became peaceful with no more wars, soldiers, nuclear bombs, prisons, weapons, corrupt police, discriminates, racists, equal employment opportunities, good stock markets n' banks.
What if money was eradicated- would the world be a better place without having to be slave to money so much?

What if the economy got reset so that everyone gets an equal amount of money all the way from billionaires to the homeless people on the street? Imagine a world where everyone now has $100,000. How would that money get spread around over time? Would the formerly rich get rich again? :hmm:
What if we woke up as a tribe of indians again,,, with just our hands and what the land provides us with.
What if all fast food burgers were made of soylent green?

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Have you heard of the cahokians? Cahokia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It was an entire civilization of indians in south of St. Louis and it just simply disappeared and nobody really knows why.

Cahokia Mounds is right across the river, My Uncle used to live in Cahokia Years ago. Its a cool place to visit especially the burial grounds ( hint the name) We used to visit almost every weekend at my uncles when I was younger.
What if inanimate objects like rocks and plants do have a soul and we just can't hear them trying to communicate with us?
What if we all went to heaven, no matter good or bad cuz we're the same atoms. The body of water will go flow in the air that will always cycle to the very same thing attached to the clouds made of adsorbent in each molecule one after another clouds that will help u to relive by drinking another chance of life from the rain n' breath for the living in the air. Does that make sense, huh?
Yep. Also, "The Devil and Daniel Webster."

("Yankees" plural--referred to the ball team.)

Couldn't remember if it had the S, since it was just the one ball player being tempted. Plus I've been sleep deprived lately.

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