what if ?? (water)


Active Member
Mar 6, 2003
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what if the earth become cover the water as ocean as simple of that movie "waterworld" which will u rather to be on city or go on boat to be alone or cruise boat ? or what will u do ?

and why ?
*hmmmmm* Would be great benefit to live nice underwter.. but scary if break the glass.. I'd rather stay up the spaceship instead live water!
Doing like a movie, Waterworld.
Living on boat for many many years
Probably on a huge houseboat ..
with a few waverunners surrounding...
it's hard to imagine how i feel being
on the water all the times I dunno
i'll live underwater.. and yeah live near key west where there's accually a hotel underwater :D that's where i'm gonna live.. heehee
Remind me of the movie "Atlantis" disney movie.

Living in the waterworld. Not mind. Myself, not afraid of die if something happen.
knightwolf68 said:
what if the earth become cover the water as ocean as simple of that movie "waterworld" which will u rather to be on city or go on boat to be alone or cruise boat ? or what will u do ?

and why ?

I would love to be on a Cruise Boat with my Friends (MalfySis that included you too) and My Boys of Course ^Angel^ too along with Roadrunner and her Children. It would be a Great Life. :mrgreen:
Well if the Earth is covered with water..umm we would build a beautiful "water" house high above the water!...of course we would have to build miles of pilars to hold up the house but can u imagine a beautiful view..lol! i know its not feasible in real life!..well if that happens, i guess we could have a huge cruise ship, it will be like a house with kitchen, bedrooms etc and swimming pool, a small zoo with animals to enjoy, employ maids and servants to serve us..hehe! LOL!
Same as you illustrator, I rather to be mutant like that guy with gull on my necks. and live in the water world under the sea soooo if the doom breaks I can still breath under water!!!!!
Katzie said:
Then I'm going to find my buddy Nemo!

I know where he is. :D In a dang fishbowl at a pet store... in Australia! heheheee

Ah, I am an aquatic creature.. I love water.. I'd live underwater, and no doubt we'd all adapt to a Waterworld in no time. Humans are very resilient.
If that ever happened, I'd try to find an endless supply of Gillyweed whereas I'd be eating on a daily basis to keep breathing underwater! ;)
(Remmy Gillyweed is from Harry Potter -- enables the eater to breathe underwater -- from book 4) :giggle: