what if fcc cut vrs already right then what you do next?

starship winger

New Member
Apr 6, 2006
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what if fcc cut vrs already right then what you do next?
hmm let me think,,,,ok good idea let all of your new/old TDD/TTY return to where you brought and get money back depend ok. OR you can send all ttys mail to FCC building and let fcc see how much deaf people dont want back same old times with tty! fcc will notice deaf people want to keep VRS running for life no matter how much rate are import. i bet fcc office will tired of too many boxes of tty on them's desk!:pissed: :fingersx: let them find out! got it huh?
I would try to start protest rally around FCC office in Washington D.C. It is going to be huge one, Im sure of that. Know why? Too many deafies down there, easy to form one.

This would mean I WILL be willing to give up days from my work to keep VRS alive!
If FCC already cut VRS, but at least we have free VP lol... but VRS is the major problem but hey.. the ip-relay service is gonna smile over this :(
If FCC already cut VRS, but at least we have free VP lol... but VRS is the major problem but hey.. the ip-relay service is gonna smile over this :(

Literacy in the deaf community will be a big winner if FCC decides to cut VRS.

It's So Unfair

I knows that using VRS helps better understanding communications than using yahoo IM, AOL AIM, MSN IM and E-mail or the chatroom...

I was told that face to face on VRS or in person is the better than typing talking to people on aim, msn and yahoo, because every one of us get each other misunderstanding which leads to fighting alots...

I was told that writing letters, or E-mails, talking on phone, tty or on the computer don't works which everyone get alots of misunderstanding, most of us don't understand what the person is trying to says or to explains, so there's a VRS to see the person to try to sort out the problems face to face works better in communicating and better understanding...

It's unfair that hearings can speaks on phone and using webcam, we deaf-hearing impaired had a hard life back then, finally we got the VRS which makes our life much easier, now what ?

what if fcc cut vrs already right then what you do next?
hmm let me think,,,,ok good idea let all of your new/old TDD/TTY return to where you brought and get money back depend ok. OR you can send all ttys mail to FCC building and let fcc see how much deaf people dont want back same old times with tty! fcc will notice deaf people want to keep VRS running for life no matter how much rate are import. i bet fcc office will tired of too many boxes of tty on them's desk!:pissed: :fingersx: let them find out! got it huh?
Literacy in the deaf community will be a big winner if FCC decides to cut VRS.


I don't know about that. Seems to me TRS had plenty of time to teach literacy before VRS came along (assuming that's what you're insinuating would happen without vrs.) Didn't quite work, did it? Without VRS we'd just have more misunderstandings and less real communication.

Are you anti-asl? I'm just wondering because other than signing there is no way to communicate effectively in ASL considering it's not written or spoken. How are people whose first language is ASL going to communicate efficiently without it? TRS doesn't do it.

Let me also ask if you're anti-interpreter as well. What's the difference between having an interpreter in real life and having one on the phone?
I don't know about that. Seems to me TRS had plenty of time to teach literacy before VRS came along (assuming that's what you're insinuating would happen without vrs.) Didn't quite work, did it? Without VRS we'd just have more misunderstandings and less real communication.

Are you anti-asl? I'm just wondering because other than signing there is no way to communicate effectively in ASL considering it's not written or spoken. How are people whose first language is ASL going to communicate efficiently without it? TRS doesn't do it.

Let me also ask if you're anti-interpreter as well. What's the difference between having an interpreter in real life and having one on the phone?

Let me tell you this. I'm anti-lamer.

I just got home from out-of-the-blue coffee chat with 2 friends of our, we had a heat discussion about FCC cutting VRS. Our friend think VRS is paying interpreator too much money also most jobs despite hire deaf people due to high cost of interpreator so interpreator is partly like to blame such like charging for a high fee of interpreating for fixed of 2 hours or more...
I knows that using VRS helps better understanding communications than using yahoo IM, AOL AIM, MSN IM and E-mail or the chatroom...

I was told that face to face on VRS or in person is the better than typing talking to people on aim, msn and yahoo, because every one of us get each other misunderstanding which leads to fighting alots...

I was told that writing letters, or E-mails, talking on phone, tty or on the computer don't works which everyone get alots of misunderstanding, most of us don't understand what the person is trying to says or to explains, so there's a VRS to see the person to try to sort out the problems face to face works better in communicating and better understanding...

It's unfair that hearings can speaks on phone and using webcam, we deaf-hearing impaired had a hard life back then, finally we got the VRS which makes our life much easier, now what ?

yes you are Damn Right,,lol
Let me tell you this. I'm anti-lamer.


Wow, way to avoid my serious questions. Guess we all know the answers now. Good to know your true feelings. Anti-ASL, Anti-Interpreter. Fantastic deaf empowerment, buddy. :)
True deaf empowerment in wrong direction! I agreed!

Wow, way to avoid my serious questions. Guess we all know the answers now. Good to know your true feelings. Anti-ASL, Anti-Interpreter. Fantastic deaf empowerment, buddy. :)
you know why? It's Sorenson part responsible who asked to raise. That make some trouble. Maybe it's rumor. It's my theory
If FCC already cut VRS, but at least we have free VP lol... but VRS is the major problem but hey.. the ip-relay service is gonna smile over this :(

if anyone want upgrade VP200, better be whore on VRS. And they will give you one :D
if anyone want upgrade VP200, better be whore on VRS. And they will give you one :D

Not me... I'm lucky one because... Our old VP100 broke while redecorate around the living room and somehow VP itself won't turn on so I contact the installer to come replace one. They did BUT ther Sorenson send them another broken VP so they upgraded me to VP200, luv it! :giggle: :giggle: :giggle:
If FCC already cut VRS, but at least we have free VP lol... but VRS is the major problem but hey.. the ip-relay service is gonna smile over this :(

Actually you never owned the VP, the VP devices still belong to the company that provided it to you and can be taken back by them any time.

That is in the Term of Service.

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