What have you plan for Thanksgiving?


Sussi *7.7.86 - 18.6.09*
Premium Member
Jan 13, 2004
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The Thanksgiving is not known here in Germany but we celebrated Thanksgiving dinner in the canteen at work every year. (I work for US army caserne).

Here: yummmmiiii we'll celebrated on 23rd November then will have US public holiday on 25th... mmmhhh

I will be working on Thanksgiving's Day this year. :( So, I can get double pay. :D I would not mind to cook big meal with other four staffs for the clients. That will be fun for all of us.

We will be leaving for Connecticut on Friday morning for the weekend. I could not wait to see my niece and nephew. :) My brother and his family finally finish to build a huge house on the mountain. I can't wait to relax out of this town for three days.
My Grandmother (my father's mother) is coming to StL for Thanksgiving - Mom is leaving for Gaitherburg, MD to help her sister with an art show the week before, then she will stop in Cleveland, OH to pick up Grandma and bring her to StL on the 22nd... I cant wait to see her! She will be 89 in December, and she's still going strong...she even loves her little side trips to the casinos in VA!!!!

She will be staying through to November 30th... and of course, she has asked Daddy-o to take her to a casino! ROFL!!!!

As for Thanksgiving, Mom refuses to cook turkey... so we will probably go out to dinner that day...heh heh. Anything to get MEAT!!!!
Probably work in the hospital on Thanksgiving Day, get some differential pay for it, of course. After all, my family is on the East Coast, and my bf will be working that day. Maybe I will have some meal somewhere.
I will be off on Thanksgiving but I am required to work on Wednesday and Friday, too! Oh well, I am waiting for someone to take of advanture for weekend.. :lol: Just a joke!
Hmm my plan for Thanksgiving is to fly out to Philly and meet with my new christian deaf friend which I met through my brother's friend at school. It is the friend's sister... so I'm excited! I'll be having Thanksgiving with her and few of her friends... it oughta to be something different for me. :) Woo hoo! Can't wait! :thumb:
No idea. Either onwards to New York City just to get a feeling how cold it is or to PalmSprings to shake off the chills from wintery San Diego (57 degrees in nighttime.. that is just TORMENT for San Diegans esp me.)

Palm Springs or New YorK City... Hmm Hmm
My girls will be in Hawaii for 2 weeks with their dad :( but at least my beloved brother from Phoenix will be coming up for Thanksgiving. He is deaf so it is always great to have someone I could sign away during the meal with. I thought about going to New York City but decided to save up my vacation time for something else later on.
wow seem to me that yall have fun.. me :dunno: abt that but i bet that we go out eat then.. not sure..
I don't know yet. I think I will be invited to join in my bf's family.
My family is very big on celebrating Thanksgiving together. The few days before, I'll be alternating school with baking. Then, everyone will go to my parents' place and we'll play games and eat dinner. Then we'll go see a movie. Fun times.
We don't celebrate Thankgiving in Australia, as ours is on January 24th's Australia Say, we will go to the beach, BBQ, camping, festival, fireworks etc
same old news for me goin to my aunt's house in menlo park then I'm off to work after thanksgiving blah... not lookin forward to workin during xmas season cuz some customers can be grouchy no offense I know it's other story for other time... so therefore thanksgiving is same old news to me.. don't mind me I'm :crazy:
So far I know that I will go to my grandmother's house for dinner in the afternoon then at night, we will go to my mom's boyfriends mother's house for another dinner...Ugh More foods!!