What guys are spending on first dates

From the article:
"The way a man spends his money is a reflection of his sincerity and character," said Brandon Wade, CEO"

This is a myth.
I think around $150.00 is normal. At least for me anyways. If you consider all the expenses. Flowers $25.00, Dinner $75.00 ( at least ), Drinks or other entertainment ( movie, mini golf, ect.) $50.00.
On a first date? If a guy spent that much on me I'd be pressured to keep dating him or wondering if he was "expecting something" by the end of the night... lol maybe I'm cheap, but seriously... I like a low pressure dinner and a nice stroll at sunset will do me just fine. Easily attainable at $50 give or take.

I guess I like then cheap. :(
Cost of living (and therefor, the cost of dating) varies by location.
Depends on our destination, it's his money to do with as he pleases. For me, it would be more about how he carries himself, but I will make both of our expectations clear.
Yeah I guess it just depends on what we're comfortable with. I had a guy who was after my affection once, he sent a beautiful vase full of lillies to my work. You'd figure I'd appreciate the gesture, but the only thing it caused me to do was to immediately evaluate everything about the potential relationship. Two days later I sent him a "Dear John" letter and told him that it wasn't going to work. At first I felt relieved, but then I questioned later whether it was the right thing to do.
Someone sent you flowers and you sent him packing? No wonder men are puzzled by the opposite sex! lol
I know... sounds horrible... and since you put it like that... even worse. Lol. It was years ago, but yeah... I guess I just cracked under the pressure.
One hundred and fifty dollars!!??!!

I have never seen a woman be impressed in a positive way by me spending a lot of money on a date with her. $150 would be an I won the Lotto celebration and after knowing her awhile. Maybe I never spent enough? Hmmm.
I have seen the spend too much produce what I call "she said goodnight and left like her ass was on fire", on a first or early on date. Us guys are usually stuck with making the first move which can call for social skills of some sort. That generally meant I was a in trouble right away and effectively weeded out a lot of potential pain.
Lol, like I said, it only makes me feel pressured. I love extravagant dates, but I prefer him to shell out that kind of money when he knows he already has my heart. I don't want him to "buy my love". :)
Apply for a credit card, blos a grand, get your fix, spend the year paying it off. If she's a b****, dispute the charges.
The connection between money and sincerity or love is exaggerated. Like the concept of women only using men to pay for dinner, while this does happen, it's not common.

It's a throwback to a time when men had monetary power over women.

If a woman likes a man, money isn't going to add or detract from that situation.
I guess maybe the economy is different where you are to consider $150.00 lotto winnings.
I can easily spend $150.00 in a night out. Between dinner and a few drinks. Bar tabs alone are usually over $50.00
Many men try too hard to make the impression...and women wind up feeling "obligated"....(I hated that feeling!)...So...when I offered to split the check (go Dutch)...and they refused,,then I left the tip on the table....sort of made things clearer that I was not interested in anything more but a casual dinner and chat....
There have been many dates where the man actually (or it seemed to me) trying to buy me with gifts, flowers, expensive dinners, etc., after I made it clear we were to be just "friends" and "not with benefits"....then get mad and say..."after all that $$ I spent on you!"...

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