What good thing happened to you today?

sold the amps and neighbour came over to help fix gate and last night other neighbour came over to help hold ladder while i trimmer hedge with 2 stroke chainsaw type trimmer... nice to be helped back...
I enjoyed sparring <for lack of better term> with a friend today <martial arts> and then we had a nice lunch:)
Jogged with my coworker and added another mile to our run. We seem to be getting stronger! Yay!
We went out and bought our Christmas tree today!! Finally, our house is beginning to smell a bit like Christmas now.

We will do the decorating tomorrow, after the branches have relaxed a bit.

I also bought a rosemary tree for the kitchen. LOVE cooking with rosemary over the holidays.
My kid told me that I'm a great mom. I really needed to hear that because I'm frustrated with my medical problems. It really lifted my spirits.
Not grouchy anymore (guess technically this good thing happen you, not me lol)
Was a goodie, goodie day!...Got the implant out...and the doctor said my ear was much, much better!..No more worries about any IV's. I was so happy, I told the doctor..."You know, I hated you before!...But now I just love you!"...He laughed....Patience and just a little pain here and there....I'm in a super mood!
Was this a CI implant, or what? Glad it all went well and you're feeling better!

Sunny, how is your hand? Can you move it and everything? Obviously at least you can type!! :lol:

Good thing for me - I just finished two more scarves, am now down to just two more presents to finish. Whew!! My hands have been getting a workout.
I get bikes sold even in December!! Life is good!!! I would not be saying that in California, but it's amazing to sell bikes in Chicago.
Was this a CI implant, or what? Glad it all went well and you're feeling better!

Sunny, how is your hand? Can you move it and everything? Obviously at least you can type!! :lol:

Good thing for me - I just finished two more scarves, am now down to just two more presents to finish. Whew!! My hands have been getting a workout.

It feel so good...free my last cast EVER!!!!!!!!
I was able to get up this morning. That's about the only good thing.
Jogged with my coworker and added another mile to our run. We seem to be getting stronger! Yay!

does it feels like your legs 'can run on auto'?
thats good, i used to get it often when i was younger
..just need to buy one more running shoes then im gonna relapse..
does it feels like your legs 'can run on auto'?
thats good, i used to get it often when i was younger
..just need to buy one more running shoes then im gonna relapse..

get your ass back to jog once again. :giggle:
I finally was able to steam the milk for my latte correctly. Microfoam, ahhhhhh yeaaaahhhh!